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Thu, 27 Feb 1997 21:25:05 +1100
Jarrod Male <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
Ooops!  Posted the story of Millie's return yesterday but it was too long
and got bounced!  So here's the edited version - I hope you've guessed by
now that our little girl is back with us, safe and sound!
I told you that I saw her in the courtyard before I even really realised
what it was.  It was night time, and I was all foggy headed and stupid from
lack of sleep because of the heat - so instead of running straight out to
check, I wandered into the lounge room and said to Jarrod "I could swear I
just saw a ferret in the courtyard outside".  I thought I must have been
dreaming.  Jarrod said that was impossible, because he'd put them in their
cage for the night, but he'd just go out to check.  I went to the bedroom to
put on some pyjamas, and when I got back, he was standing in the kitchen
holding Sinbad and giggling, saying "look who I found waiting at the back
step to be let in".  Well, I started giggling too - then at the same time,
we realised it must have been Millie I saw in the courtyard.  That was when
the nightmare began.
I've already told you about the dog in the yard behind us bailing her up
against the wall, and how by the time we made it over the fence, listening
to her screaming, she had bolted again.  The people who owned the dog were
very helpful, and told us they didn't think Millie had been hurt because
their dog had been too scared to really attack because she was hissing and
screaming at it so fiercely.  (only 90 grams, but she fought off a German
We wandered the streets for hours, but, as you know, no luck.  Jarrod did a
door knock around the neighbourhood first thing in the morning.  I made up
fliers at work to distribute around the neighbourhood.  I'll post another
time with the info I included on them as it might be useful to other people
in this situation.  When I got home, I was folding up the fliers when, you
guessed it, the phone rang.  It was local vet's, who Jarrod had spoken to,
ringing to say they had a ferret there that some kids had just brought in.
I couldn't believe it - kept saying "are you sure?  And she's alright?  Are
you sure?"
I'm sure you can all imagine the joyous reunion - Millie ate a whole bowl of
food when I got her home, then slept like the dead for the rest of the
night.  Sinbad won't let her out of her sight.  Unfortunately the kids who
brought her in didn't leave a phone number because I'd really love to thank
them, and also find out just how far Millie had wandered.
We didn't deserve to be so lucky, it looks like the cage door wasn't
fastened properly and that's how they got out.  Millie could have died a
horrible, miserable death because of our negligence, and she certainly
doesn't deserve that.  But now it's all over, we even have time to giggle
about the way they reacted when they realised they were free - it perfectly
reflects their characters!  Millie, the little know-no-fear hyper-ferret,
immediately went out to explore the great big world - while Sinbad rolled
over, yawned lazily, then ambled out of the garage, across the lawn, onto
the back verandah and sat on the back step waiting to be let in so she could
go back to sleep again!
Anyway, thanks to you all once again, especially all the kind people who
mailed me with advice and support.  Hope I've given you a good news story
for the day!
Joy to the world!  Sophie, Millie the Wanderer, and Sinbad the Homebody.
[Posted in FML issue 1857]