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Wed, 26 Feb 1997 10:54:00 PST
Joanie Williams <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
>From:    Juliana Quadrozzi - GA Domestic Ferret Assoc
>Subject: Tasty urine?
>From:    Melanie Hawkins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: A couple of questions.
>If a ferret is drinking its urine, does that mean
>From:    Shari Diane <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Urine Question
>A friends' 4year old male ferret has recently acquired the unusal taste for
>his own urine.  Is this common or unusual?
>I once asked my vet the very same question about some of my gibs (I've never
>seen the girls do it) & she replied, "Why do men do anything?" ;)
If anyone ever figures this one out, please let me know.  Of my 36, one big
male (gib), Mischief does this, BUT, he will ONLY drink his own urine or
that of a female in his group; this excludes the male in his group and all
other ferrets in the house.  AND, I DO have a female (sprite) who does it -
Romey, my big 3 1/4 pound gal. I have only seen her drink her own, though.
She will piddle in the litter box (I use paper pellets) and then turn around
and lick it up before it gets absorbed into the pellets.  My vet didn't have
an explanation either. Both these ferrets are healthy, well, and very active.
Joanie Williams at Ferret Haven
[Posted in FML issue 1856]