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Wed, 5 Feb 1997 10:52:32 -0500
Shelly Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
My hubby and I used left over linoleum to cover the wire on our cage floors.
You can sponge it off as needed or can remove it easily to hose off in the
sink or tub.
Also, I have a serious carpet digger that spends most of her time in her cage
because she won't stop !  I can't figure out what to do !  Any suggestions ?
We have tried: a plastic runner (she goes UNDER it), yelling (she ignores
us) and even hanging her by her tail from the curtain rod !  (I'm joking, no
bad mail please !) She is soooo stubborn !  I am at my wits end.....
and, one last thing.  Our oldest one, Kris, will NOT get along with the
Silver, Joon we adopted in June.  We have Joon living in the bathroom (7
months now !) I have to do something to get these two to be friends.  They
are 6 months apart in age and Kris attacks Joon when Joon is sleeping !  If
Joon is awake she bottlebrushes out and runs away !  She's a coward... The
baby of the family, Riki loves both and wants to play !  I have to get all 3
of my kids into one cage !!  Help Me !
Shelly & Brian
Kris "I'm tough when she's sleeping !"
Joon " I just want to sleep in the vanity... please !"
Riki "Why can't they get along ? - I want to PLAY !"
[Posted in FML issue 1836]