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Sun, 26 Jan 1997 16:49:11 -0600
"William C. & Geraldine Gary" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
We are going to be at Forte Meade in Feb. and would like to know if there
is a shelter there and if they do adoptions.  We were there in Nov. last
year and we couldn't find anyone that knew anything about it.  Would
appreciate any information anyone has.  We only have one ferret now[L'Lil
Bit].  We have had her for about a year now and just love her.  She is our
first and since we purchased a beautiful 3 level cage we think she would
like a companion.  When our daughter comes in from NC she bring her Sassy
and they love to play together.  The only thing I really worry about is she
is so fussy about her abode she has to have her food and water in one place
and her potty on the bottom level and her hammock and other nesty things on
the second level and the top level to play in.  She always uses her potty
only when in her cage.  She takes her food one piece at a time out of her
dish and eats it on a piece of towel.  She is getting very used to her
harness and leash and even likes to sleep curled up next to me and the 2
dogs in bed sometimes at night.  I don't post very often but really do enjoy
reading all the postings.  My Vet is really good and read up on ferrets and
said we are getting more in this area.  She is interested in some of the
articles from other vets also.  One other thing is L'Lil Bit is not a biter.
She learns very fast about no no.
[Posted in FML issue 1827]