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Sun, 15 Dec 1996 08:35:49 -0500
Manfred Fischer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi all,
Some of you may remember previous posts regarding our first fert, Chichlet.
While he was always friendly * never nipped * he was also always somewhat of
a loner and when let out of his cage, chances were pretty good that he would
end up in some hidey-hole.  Well, three months ago, mu wife and I fell for
another fuzzbuttwhile in a pet store here in Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada.
He was a big boy, supposedly only four months old but he was also twice the
size of Chichlet,something I figure was due to the fact that our first guy
was an early alter from Hagen Farms and the second one is whole.  In fact at
the present time he gets pretty intent on proving it to Chichlet.
Anyway, Deisel *the new guy* has really brought his brother out of his
shell.  No more hiding under whatever.  Now we can usually find them playing
together in the middle of the living room.  They have full run of the house
when my wife and I are around, with three Yorkies and a cat to keep them
Since we got Deisel, neither my wife nor I can remember why it took us so
long to get the second one.  At the same time we got a three story cage for
the brats and they share it nicely.
To the annon.  poster re: drainage pipe the same size as the cage....
WOW..where can I get some of this four foot diameter pipe.  Sure my guys
would love it too.  <VBG>
[Posted in FML issue 1785]