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Mon, 18 Nov 1996 14:56:56 -0500
Pat Scherschel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Hi everyone!  It has been quite some time since I have posted anything but
something happened today that I just have to share.  It has me convinced
that I have had a spell casted upon me.
My family has 6 ferrets, 4 cats, 1 dog(a yellow lab) and a 4ft iguana.  We
also have three humans.  I think we are the town zoo!  Five of my ferrets
are young and quite active.  My one little boy has lymphosarcoma so he never
causes any trouble.  The other five are a different story!
All my animals (except the iguana) are free roaming house animals.  The cats
and dog go in and out but since it has gotten cold here in Indiana they are
mostly in.  This morning while getting ready for work there were 4 of the
fuzzie critters up and getting into everything.  I couldn't get into the
refrigerator without someone jumping in.  My oldest of the five, Bubba,
(14mo.  old) was really getting into trouble.  I couldn't keep him out of
the cupboards.  He has figured out how to work at the one drawer until he
gets it open and then moves from one cupboard to the others.  One of the
cupboards has plastic food containers and another one has cereal and
assorted boxes of stuff.  Bubba loves to push open the doors and knock
everything out onto the floor.  I was 10 minutes late to work this morning
because of trying to keep up with their antics.  I left thinking I had
everything under control.  WRONG!!!!!
As I walked into my house this afternoon what did I see but the entire
kitchen floor covered in plastic containers and cereal.  There were empty
boxes everywhere.  I have no idea where all the poptarts went!  The dog was
sitting outside looking in at me as if to say, " I didn't do it.  I swear!"
I know she didn't do it because there was cereal still there!  I let the dog
in and swept up the cereal into a pile and told her to enjoy.  I cleaned up
the rest and then checked on the wrecking crew.  There were four ferrets
sound asleep in their special spot behind the sectional in our family room.
Out Cold!!!  No one even moved when I talked to them.  I can only imagine
the fun everyone had today.
Now the point of this whole story is this: Had the dog or cats done this I
would have had a fit.  Screaming and carrying on.  But did I -- knowing full
well who caused this mess?  NO!!!  I just cleaned it up.  I am fully
convinced that it is true what one person wrote about them being aliens from
outerspace.  Either that or they have cast some kind of spell on us because
they certainly get away with murder around here.  Oh, yes I get mad at them
but I always just pick them up and say "No, No, badferret!!!!" It will never
cease to amaze me how much these fuzzie creatures have taken over my life
without even a fight!
My friends all laugh and say it is a good thing I have a sense of humor.  I
don't think that is it at all.  I just think I'm possessed !!!!!  And loving
every minute of it.
Love, dooks and fuzzie kisses to all of you,
Pat and the evil doers!
(-9*4   Oh Oh Bubba is up!!!!!)
(I wonder what -9*4 means, probably a secret FLO code!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1758]