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Sat, 9 Nov 1996 20:02:31 -0500
"Mrs. Duck" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
***This is not meant as a personal afront towards any one party, but a plea
for everyone to think twice before acting.***
I have been noticing something happening time and time again on the FML and
other Ferret Related Forums which is really starting to get me very
concerned.  It seems that with increasing frequency there are people saying
"I want to get a ferret, but can not afford one, but I'll take one which is
*free*".  Or shelters pleading for money as they can barely afford to feed
themselves, but are taking in sick ferret after sick ferret, who are not
receiving the medical care they need because the shelter can not pay for it.
To the "wanna be owner" who can't *afford* to *buy* a ferret:
Please, before you get a ferret, think about what might happen in the near
or distant future.  Are you prepared to handle a $300 vet bill for an
adrenalectomy?  Will you have the funds to pay for regular vet visits and
vaccinations?  It is not fair to the animal who does not receive proper care
because it's owner took on a responsibility they could not afford.  Many of
these animals end up in shelters because the owner can't or doesn't want to
pay for the treatment.  Don't let this happen to you...either foster a
shelter animal- you provide food and love, the shelter takes care of vet
bills, or wait until your financial situation improves.
To the "Wanna be shelter" or even those shelters already in existance who
are packed to the gills with ferrets, many of whom are not receiving medical
treatment due to lack of funds:
Regretfully, there are far too many shelters operating in situations which
are not healthy for the animals or the operator due to lack of funds.
Shelter animals are often older/sicker animals whose medical care is very
expensive.  For those on a limited income, it will probably be close to
impossible to give these animals the medical care they need.  Of course
there are certainly exceptions to every case- a shelter which has been
operating on it's own fundraising efforts, or more likely out of the pocket
of the operator who suddenly has several major medical crises at once
leaving huge vet bills, or a shelter operator who has an unexpected personal
financial setback.  It is not these people I am speaking about.  Of course
ALL shelters can always use financial support, and we all need to contribute
to our local shelters when we can.  I don't think any ever actually totally
operate out of the red.
I'm talking health issues where animals are NOT receiving proper medical
care because an owner or operator has bitten off more than they can chew.
This is not fair to the animals, or the ferret community who is constantly
barraged for funds.
Don't get me wrong- situations like the Fredonia Mess, and the Ferrets Who
Came For Christmas occur, and in cases like this, we all need to pitch in as
much as possible.  They were not caused by any ferret lover's lack of
forethought, but by people who were in the business of ferrets for the
almighty dollar, who excercised a complete lack of care or compassion.  In
the Fredonia situation, I commend TLE for a job well done.
I realize it's a catch 22 situation, where you are damned if you do and
damned if you don't.  It takes a very dedicated and special person to run a
shelter.  I am not trying to condemn people, just trying to prevent
tragedies.  Please think carefully about these words.  I'm sure I'll receive
many flames over this, but in the long run it is the ferrets who will
-Mrs Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1749]