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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9704 37784 32 27_Non-Marshall Farms Breeders13_Lisa [log in to unmask], 28 Apr 1997 03:28:00 +0100582_- Hi,

I want obtain my first ferrets, and I want to know what sort of experience
you ltics are useless.
* Address: [log in to unmask]
* Homepage: http://www.winthrop.edu/~campbelj
[Posted in FML issue 1874]42_16Mar199713:35:[log in to unmask] 9703 16852 15 16_Vet Credit Card?17_Katherine [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 21:04:55 -0500350_- Someone mentioned here about a credit card that is only for vet expenses....
would you mind letting me know what it is called or where I can get more
information? Do all vets take it? Is it only for emergencies, or can
routine vaccines be included? Dr. Williams, do you have any opinion?
Thanks so much for any information.....Kat [...]40_16Mar199721:04:[log in to unmask] 9703 16868 41 37_Mink encephalopathy: Risk to ferrets?13_Jeff [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 10:09:57 -0500347_- Sukie Crandall commented a few days back that the New York Times had run an
article about a brain disease in minks that appeared to be transmitted from
contaminated feed. Given that minks are in the same family as ferrets I
have been following this topic for some time in case there's any potential
risk to ferrets (or humans). [...]52_16Mar199710:09:[log in to unmask] 9703 16910 19 5_Minks16_Michael F. [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 08:35:09 -0500316_- I won't get into the debate on minks, since I know nothing about them, but I
wanted to mention that one of our club member has a few minks... along with
his 47 ferrets and a number of jennets (sp?). Don't ask me what jennets
are, because I don't know. Some sort of critter from Africa is all I know. [...]39_16Mar199708:35:[log in to unmask] 9703 16930 23 7_Hissing18_Tikki Mite (Terry)[log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 09:30:56 -0500436_- I have a ferret named Sam. He has always been a hisser. He will hiss while
playing and he hisses at me when I have to get him down from someplace he
shouldn't be. He doesn't dook at all he hisses. With him it is more of a
challenge or a dissapointment. Whe he is playing with the others and play
gets rough <G> he sill hiss as he leaps through the air and rolls the other
over. It is quite comical with him. [...]39_16Mar199709:30:[log in to unmask] 9703 16954 13 30_Hi! and raising ferret family?11_Steve [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 04:50:58 -0500294_- Hi all!

Just wanted to hello to all you ferrett-lovers!! I have had "Smokie" for
about three years now and she is a joy!! I want to try raising a family of
ferretts, any suggestions? Take Care!!

Much love to your fuzzies!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1874]40_16Mar199704:50:[log in to unmask] 9703 16968 10 9_questions11_Maxine [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 22:53:55 -0800383_- I have 2 lovely females about 1 yr in age. I'm considering getting a
male--6wks or so in age- is their a distinct difference in male/female
personality? Will they get along o.k.? Is it likely that the girls will
resent the new presence especially if its a male? Are they easier/harder to
train? Appreciate any info on the subject....Thanks
[Posted in FML issue 1874]42_16Mar199722:53:[log in to unmask] 9703 16979 80 20_Mo' Bob Rants, Q-N-A10_Bob [log in to unmask], 16 Mar 1997 02:04:08 -0600557_- Hi Y'all. Just got back from CaCa land and my dad is doing better (The mink
post was for
Sun, 16 Mar 1997 14:18:44 +0000
text/plain (16 lines)
I currently have four ferrets, and they are spastic.  They have run of the
house and do nothing but terrorize everything.  While in their cages, they
usually decide to use their littter boxes, but occassionally, they like to
pick a different corner for awhile and use it.  I have gotten to putting
multiple litter boxes in each of their cages and this seems to help, but now
they have a little less space and decide to sleep in the litter box.  Is
there anything I can do to prevent this form happening??
Tim and Dawn and the Crew....
Curry.....The old lady that owns the place
Moose...Big, dumb and very lovable
Jade....Ms. Attitude
Diamond....the baby
[Posted in FML issue 1874]