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Thu, 27 Mar 1997 23:57:08 -0800
Kymberlie Becker <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (98 lines)
Hello Family again:
Boy, I'd forgotten how much I missed the FML.  Already I have gotten four
e-mails from readers: it's so nice to converse with those who understand the
lovable critters.
Two topics on today's post: first, I need medical advice for my very slothy
ferret.  After that, I have a request for poets out there willing to
"donate" a piece to the Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association.
Patches is a very special ferret of mine, but then again of course they all
are for different reasons.  For Patches, it's because of where he came from,
and how he "weaseled" his way into my heart.  I first learned of him when I
got a call that a ferret was running loose in a townhouse complex.  I got my
"ferret finder" kit and went to look.  I never found him, but in trying to
locate the owner, I knocked on the door of his owners neighbors.  The woman,
Cindy, told me horror stories about the "family" who owned him (a hodgepodge
of unrelated adults and some children lived there).  Patches was being
abused, kept in the July heat on a deck with no shelter, the children tossed
him around like a ball or swung him by the tail.  I knocked on the owners
door and was not greeted nicely.  The owner, Joy, told me that he stank and
was better outdoors.  I had already peeked on her deck and saw the filth he
lived in: cage with feces everywhere, cedar chips soaked with urine, a
cardboard box for a litterpan that was so overflowing that it curdled my
stomach.  For food: I saw wilted lettuce, crusty bread, and other
undefinable things.  No cat food/ferret food.  No water bottle, only a pan
that was upside down.  I asked about the food/water situation, Joy told me
that he was a "finicky" eater and they'd give him what they had.  She
justified the water thing by saying that she "gives him water but it's not
her problem if he dumps it."
To shorten a long, horrible story, I fought for months to get that ferret,
and finally, when the landlord kicked her out and Social Services took
custody of her kids, the neighbor convinced her to give him up.  I never
learned his name, age, medical history, etc.; I was just happy to have him.
After being for adoption for a few months, I knew he was just one of those
that I couldn't let go.
Now, nearly two years later, I'm SOOO scared I'm going to lose him.  He
over-compensated for his poor eating habits of the past by overeating
grossly.  At first the weight gain was welcomed; I was so glad he was
getting better.  But over the past six months or so I've noticed that he's
become so slothy that he was having trouble breathing (so it seems; he
breathes heavily) and he is getting less and less active.  Some days, when
he has run time, he only walks to go to the bathroom or to beeline it to the
cat's food dish.
I suspected heart trouble at first, but now it doesn't look that way, after
a series of x-rays over several months.  He's been dieting (down to 1/2 cup
of Pro Plan daily, and down to one raisin a day from 5).  Today began our
excercise: spring broke today so we're going to go outside every nice day.
He was active for about 5 minutes today before he got pooped and just
plopped down, but hey, that's 5 minutes more than he'd have gotten before.
Does anyone out there have any advice on dieting, exercise, or slothy
ferrets?  Since he's been dieting, he's dropped from 1600g to 1550 in a
month.  Of course, I don't just want him to waste, I want him to get
healthy.  Please, if you have any idea what could be causing his lethargy
(if not fat) or if you can offer advice, I really want to save this precious
kid's life.  Post or privately e-mail, just please help!!!
Now, on to the poetry thing.  The following poem is about a stray cat: I
know it doesn't have anything to do with ferrets, but I want someone
creative to read this poem and write a new one, of similar nature but not
close enough to be plagerism, that I can use for the Rescue.  I want to make
prints or cards of it to sell for the shelter, so you must be willing to
donate the poem to me but I'll always use your name as author.  Everyone who
has a heart (and you're here, so you all do) MUST read this poem, closely.
It will touch you.
Oh, what unhappy twist of fate
Has brought you, homeless, to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
To beg for shelter, warmth, and food
From that day I ceased to be
The master of my destiny.
While he with purr and velvet paw
Became within my house, The Law
He scratched the furniture and shed
And claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled with arrogance and pride,
And broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think, oh cat,
I'd willingly relive all that
Because you come forlorn and thin,
Well don't just stand there,
Come on in.
Author Unknown
Don't it just tug your heartstrings?? Weep, weep...
Post or email your poetry attempt! Please!!
Kymberlie Becker <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association
[Posted in FML issue 1885]