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Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:36:54 -0800
Teri VanDever <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Hi All,
I agree with Kat about talking some about our long-living healthy ferrets.
Kayla, I too lost my little Tessa a year ago and she was only around 2 1/2
yrs old.  She died from lymphosarcoma.  But....Buddy is going on 6 yrs old
and is the ultimate laid-back King of the Klan!  We got him from a college
student five years ago.  He is a dark sable color and has the flat-ferret
stance down pat.  He too is slowing down but he can still whup on the
youngsters (Crystal & Bandita: 2 1/2 yrs and Rascal 3 1/2 yrs) They don't
stand a chance when he (Buddy) decides it's time to rumble :)
These Buddy, Crystal and Bandita have never had any problems (knock on wood)
Since we've had them (the last four years).  Rascal had some problems with
dropping weight and a bad eye at the same time Tessa was dying.  It turned
out that he had an eye infection (vet thought from a trauma to the eye) and
an infections in his stomach that was not allowing him to keep the food in
him.  Antibiotics and an eye cream the vet applied cured him and this winter
he was right back up to full coat and 2-3#s in weight.  (He's my big boy and
lover except for this one realllly bad habit of biting ankles while you are
at the computer!)The rest of the time he gives kisses and just romps around.
By the way...He is the only one to actually chase my Miniature Schnauzer,
Akita <G>.
Bandita will fight Akita (dog) for the tennis ball.  I have a picture of
this little 1.5# ferret hanging onto the ball while Akita has it in HER
mouth.  Guess who won?  BANDITA!  I couldn't believe it.  Of course Akita
isn't sure whether she is a ferret or the ferrets are little dogs...so maybe
she gave in to keep peace in the family?
Crystal, aka White Witch, is our little love.  She used to be really wild
and then when Tessa passed on she became my sweetheart.  It's amazing how
these critters try to make you feel better when you are upset and sad.
Anyway, these are my fur kids and although you see a large amount of
postings concerning health problems on the FML there are probably just as
many people who don't post because their ferrets are healthy.  Most people
post about their concerns when illness strikes because of the enormous
amount of knowledge in this list.  I know when Tessa became ill, I found out
more from this list than from the vet I had.  This information allowed me to
make Tessa's last days more comfortable.
It may be too soon to think of another ferret, but again, I was really glad
for my other four's ability to help me accept Tessa's death.
Take care,
Teri and the Fuzzy Four (Tessa at RB)
[Posted in FML issue 1875]