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Tue, 25 Feb 1997 20:09:48 -0800
text/plain (47 lines)
I decided to be nice to Worf on Sunday, and take him out for a stroll in the
yard seeing Katie wouldn't wake up and play with him every 10 minutes.  Well
it all started out pretty nice, He loved the grass, thought the deer poop in
the grass was very interesting, was ecstatic about digging in the dirt
(well...mud), etc, etc.  Then my dog Brandy, who loves everybody &
everything (She is the one who raised a kitten this last summer [yes, she
produced milk & no, she has never had pups]) , spotted us.  Well she just
loves Katie, and Katie likes her too, but.... Worf hadn't met her yet.  So
Brandy runs up and sticks her nose in his face (if this was Katie they would
give each other kisses) and in two seconds Worf has bitten her nose and she
has blood running down her lip.  Poor Brandy just sat back and looked
stunned, Worf puffed out every hair that could puff, and was hissing like a
steam engine.  So I picked him up to calm him, and he promptly got a good
bite in on my lip.  So now I have holes in my lip, Brandy has holes in her
nose, we are both bleeding and Worf actually has the grace to look VERY
GUILTY!  I swear, he can actually wrinkle up his nose and look like he's
pouting.  All is forgiven though..... how can you stay mad at a fuzzie?
(Even THE Velociweasel!) ;}
OK, now I get to bug you all again!  I still need lots of quilt squares for
my project to help raise funds for the Oregon Ferret Shelter (thru OFA).  I
know there are a bunch of talented people out there....(or at least as
talented as ME) that could make a few squares.  You will get a FREE raffle
ticket for each square you send, and might even win a great quilt this
August.  PLEASE!  PLEASE!  PLEASE!  I need these squares.... No squares= no
quilt= No funds for shelter!!!!  You can Email me for info on what I need at
<[log in to unmask]>, or if you would like to receive raffle tickets you can
send $1.00 donation for each ticket to: Amy Evers
                                        9210 NE Crooked River Dr
                                        Terrebonne, OR 97760
we will put your tickets in the bucket for the drawing!  For anyone
interested, I have scanned my squares, and can send you a picture of them if
you'd like.  For ideas, or inspiration.  So far I think we only have about a
dozen squares (with about a doz more promised) and probably need around 48
squares total.  So, come on all you spare time sewers, the fuzzies need
Thanks for helping!!
Amy (the one with the holes in her lip)
Katie (the sweet one)
& Worf (THE Velociweasel!)
"Here's Dookin' at you Kit!"
[Posted in FML issue 1855]