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Tue, 28 Jan 1997 16:42:12 CST
Bryan Hall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
The time is around 4:40pm, and soon I will be leaving work to go check on
the ferret in the store.
I tell you all...this would be a LOT easier if I could get my family's
support.  I do live alone in my apartment, but my family and I are SO close,
I tend to tell them everything that is going on.  Not to do so would hurt
them, and me as well.
Suffice it to say, that as soon as I told them what I had seen, they
heartily approved of calling in the SPCA, and all assorted peoples.
However, they also said that I don't "need" a fourth ferret.  Need?  I
suppose I don't NEED another ferret..  but I do NEED to help this guy!  I
would love to take the ferret home, but if I did, boy-oh-boy would I feel
happy I helped the ferreet, but guilty as can be that I did what I was told
not to.
Odd behavior for a 25 year old man, isn't it?  AAARGH!  Why can't they see
that perhaps me taking this guy from the store is the best thing for the
fuzzy?  At the very least, I could get him from the store then adopt him to
someone on the FML.
Ah, well.  Time for me to get myself together and get on down to the store
and see if he's in better conditions yet.  I will write again once I get
back to my apartment.  Wish me luck, and please wish me tolerance and
patience..  both in dealing with the petstore owner., and with my folks...
they mean well, but they just don't understand...
Bryan Hall
[Posted in FML issue 1829]