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Sat, 25 Jan 1997 07:05:49 -0500
Judith Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi All.
Thanks so much to all of you who responded to our request for vet info in
Cola, SC.  Don is now down there and, last weekend he came back to Maryland
to get our Peanut (he was suffering a BAD case of fert withdrawal!  <g>).
After an 8 hour drive, he turned Peanut loose to explore the house.  INSTANT
POOF!  Nutter's entire body became a bottle brush!  He was so excited to
have new places to explore.  He now has the run of the house for about four
hours in the evening and 2 hours in the morning.  And, of ocurse, Don is
spoiling him rotten..  allows him on the computer table, which Peanut finds
MOST interesting..  He is fascinated with the monitor and loves to run
across the keyboard to make things happen.  He has found that if he pushes a
certain key, he can make a sound come out of the computer.  I guess that
means that he will soon be typing letters to you all about all of his
escapades!  He has chosen his "poop spot"... in the bathroom next to the
commode.  I guess he figured out that if he got the right room, he was doing
ok! :-)  We discovered that he enjoys Ritz Bits peanut sandwiches.  They are
just the right size for him to have one a day as a treat.  But given his
choice, he will take Cheerios over any other treat, except maybe Pepsi.  One
of his favorite exercises is to stick his nose into an empty 2 liter Pepsi
bottle and puch it around.  He keeps looking for a hidey hole large enough
to house it..then fusses, cusses and dooks up a storm when he can't push or
drag it into his hidey hole (under the dresser).  All in all he is doing
quite well.  He's beginning to calm down a little since he reached his first
birthday.  He rarely CHOMPS..but still like to nip playfully and wrestles
with us during play time.  He only chomps if he's being ignored.  He still
goes through the daily ritual of trying to save his daddy from the sock
monster by attacking Don's socks, usually while they are still on his feet!
<g> Our new home is set up so that we can give him the run of three bedrooms
and the hallway and bathroom, while keeping Phoenix (the Chow) in the other
part of the house.  She really misses having him here.  They seemed to have
conversations each morning with nose to nose "good mornings" through the
cage.  I still don't let them play together, but they have become used to
the presence of each other and seem to enjoy each other's company.
Good wishes for speedy recoveries for all the sick babies..
Don, Judi and Peanut
[Posted in FML issue 1826]