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Fri, 24 Jan 1997 19:10:25 -0600
Jason & Alison Overstreet <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hello all!  We normally just enjoy reading the stories that all of you have
been posting but we're now the proud parents of a shiny new 8 week old kit!
Her name is Chloe and she's a beautiful black-eyed white.  She's extremely
playful and sweet and is already litter box trained (which is impressive
since she didn't have one at the store we rescued her from).  This may be
why she's sneezing so much!  She gets into these sneezing fits that
sometimes go on for a while.  Could the litter be the problem?  Our other
two boys have never shown any problems with it.  We're apprehensive to
switch since the last time we tried, we had lots of accidents (a major deal
for accident-free ferts).  We're not sure if this is the reason since most
of the time, she's nowhere near the litter when she sneezes.
As far as introducing her to the boys, we've got them in separate cages for
now because when we let them all out to play, Petey (our grumpy eldest) has
to show her who's in charge.  I'm a bit over-protective of her and I
probably interfere too often.  Oliver (our cute but sometimes dopey little
guy) is a creampuff.  The first night we introduced them, she tackled him
flat!  She's a quarter his size!  Neither of them are biters so it's a match
made in heaven.  Oliver's been chasing her all over the place!  It's really
If anyone has any ideas about the sneezing, we'd appreciate a note!  We'll
try to get some pictures of Chloe on our web page soon.
 o         \ /      /`\    ____  ,^.-,             ___  ,^o-,
/|\ Alison, |  Jason, ``-,'    `-';~~  Petey,'~\,,'   `-';~~ Oliver,
/ \        /o\          .',-'~`../'             ,','-`../'          and
                        `^^    `^^               ^^   `^^
email:  [log in to unmask]     web:  http://www.primenet.com/~arcwolf/
[Posted in FML issue 1825]