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Wed, 22 Jan 1997 18:42:45 -0500
Bruce Macgregor <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
In response to Shari's question about Canadian ferrets being/not being
aggressive.  Our two Canuckkids are gentle little sweethearts as are those
of other people we know.
Our kitten has adapted beautifully to the ferrets and they to her.  Katy is
a tiny furkid and Madeline (the kitten) and Katy have a little wrestle once
in a while, but generally leave each other alone.  Sahsa is about three
times Katy's size and he and Madeline run, chase and play regularly.
Neither furkid exhibits any aggression whatsoever.  Madeline can't wait
until we let the ferrets out in the morning.
Proof that Madeline thinks she is a ferret: a few days ago it was very quiet
in one of the bedrooms where the furkids play so I thought I'd better take a
look.  Not unlike checking two-year olds when they get too quiet:) The
ferrets were lounging inside a dresser drawer checking out Madeline's antics
as she was doing her best to get into a "slightly larger than ferret size
space" in an attempt to climb into the drawer and behind it.  When she
succeeded I think I heard little ferret paws applauding:)
Jean and her sweetheart ferrets Katy (I'm the sweetheart), and
Sasha (hey, me too), and
Baxter the dog, and
Tiffany and Teca (the senior girl cats), and
Madeline (the kitten who thinks she's a ferret)
                           "Everything that lives
                              Lives not alone
                              Nor for itself"
                                    William Blake
[Posted in FML issue 1823]