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Mon, 13 Jan 1997 02:15:10 -0800
Mustang Charlie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Gentle readers...............
Hasn't this Marshall Farms bashing gone on long enough?  I live on the West
Coast of this continent..I have no idea what goes on at Marshall Farms
facility in New York..only what I read here.  If I were in a court of law,
everything said here would be inadmissable as heresay.  If all these
dastardly thing DO occur, then give proof.  Your words are simply not enough
and have been run through the wringer one time too many, IMHO.
IF MF runs a 'ferret (puppy) mill' type of operation, then sic the state of
New York on them.  Otherwise.  DROP IT.
From my prospective, MF is doing a lot of good.  They have filed the
lawsuits necessary to bring the government of California to their knees...
yes, yes, I know it is a profit motive that precipitated this action,
but..it is being done...no one had the money to do it otherwise.  ERGO..I
am in MF's corner.
As you can read, we might see them a little differently out here.
So...enough is enough.  Drop the bashing and let's get on to more fun
things...like our fuzzies!
[Posted in FML issue 1814]