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Tue, 7 Jan 1997 13:27:03 -0500
Sherri Murphy <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi again, all . . .
Well, now that I broke down and purchased Mort from a pet store (a very
knowledgable one, BTW) I see mention of Zach and Podo in MN needing
homes.... no one ever got back to me about them, and now I'm out of room,
and out of money, due to a car accident (My fault, no insurance--yes, hit me
over the head and call me stupid . . .but no one was hurt, at least.)
A week after I bought Mort for $125+tax, an acquaintance offered me a male
sable ferret for $60.  She kept stressing that they paid over $100 for
him--gee, like I just did for Mort.  :-)  Apparently the woman's daughter,
who bought this fert, didn't know what she was in for, and mom claims she's
allergic.   This male might even be one of Mort's litter mates--the timing is
about right.  All I know about this guy is that his nails are in desperate
need of clipping, and as soon as I have a car again I intend to remedy that
Mort has a wonderful temperament, and if this other fuzzy is from the same
litter, I suppose there's a good chance he's got a good temperament, too.
So . . . if anyone is interested in a sable male for $60 and can get to the
Duluth/Superior area in MN/WI . . . e-mail me at <[log in to unmask]> and
I'll find out more about this ferret.  I guess the people are pretty firm on
the price.
Unfortunately my tiny rental home is at full capacity with 2 people, 2
ferrets, and 1 dog, so I just can't take this little guy in.  (sigh).
Re: dogs eating cat's food, cat's eating ferret's food etc.  No cats here,
but the dog thinks ferret food is wonderful.  She knows eating it out of
their dish is a no-no, but heaven forbid they stash some in the corner of
the cage.  Dog sneaks her big head in there and chows down.  As for the
ferrets, they love the dog's Science Diet, and the dog is not about to
share.  Dog gets fed twice a day, and as soon as the ferrets start stealing
from her dish, she gobbles it down as fast as she can, growling and
sometimes even snapping at the ferrets if they get near.  She doesn't mind
sharing her water with the ferrets, though . . .
[Posted in FML issue 1808]