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Tue, 17 Dec 1996 16:47:31 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
None of my friends understands me, so I'm turning to you guys.  I went into
the store to buy ferret food (and any new, interesting toys) Sunday.  I saw
a new group of very young kits (8-9 weeks) and thought -- wow, I really need
a quit "kit fix".  So I asked if I could hold "that cute little one" in the
middle.  Loh, and behold I was given Cuddle-Ferret!  He was so adorable and
wanted nothing more than to cuddle and occaisionally burrow in my arms.  I
just couldn't put him down.  Twenty minutes later (and many rounds of pacing
back and forth) I finally came face to face with the fact that I was just
not going to give him back.  Neither of my other two like to cuddle -- only
one even tolerates it for more than 5 seconds.  So I went home with Pookey
Bear, and now baby makes three.<G>
Now Pookey likes to cry -- when he is hungry, when he wants out, and lots of
times for no reason at all (so what if I have only had him for 36 hours -- I
know him intimately!!)  Sometimes when playing he makes a noise that is
something between his cries and a dook.  Is this just his young age?  When
he cries like this is he really upset or just wants what he wants when he
wants it (what ever it is)?  And will he ever dook normally?
Also, he has really hit it off with Rascal (9 month Female).  Spike (3.5 yr
female) plays with Pookey a little, a couple of times has bit his neck (but
he has not protested much so I couldn't hurt), and mostly just ignores him.
But she is coming up to me more and more and asking to be picked up.  They
are in the same room, and last night they were getting along so well that I
gave them all free range of the bedroom.  My questions are:
- Am I introducing them together too quickly?
- Does Spike (my Number 1 ferret) need lots of additional, specialized
  attention even if she pretends not to care about the new guy?
I live in a FFZ, so just post here.  I'll be checking all week
[Posted in FML issue 1789]