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Fri, 22 Nov 1996 20:29:14 EST
Dayna Frazier <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (71 lines)
 Hi Everybody...
the following is close to a perfect repeat of a conversation a very close
friend just had with a new friend of mine... the new friend [a couple weeks]
returned home with me from a needed shopping trip [we met up while buying
plastic drop cloths at the hardware store and she followed me home to get
some special staples I have for staple guns to put them up] and just
happened to be a witness to an event that was so distressing to her she
called my old friend the minute she reached her own home...
[phone rings]  'Hello'.
[reply] 'I'm glad I caught you home..  The most terrible thing has just
happened!  I was at Dayna's to get some staples she has for the plastic I'm
hanging for the rain leaks and when we walked in her place was just
destroyed!!  I'm sure it was a bunch of vandals from those local gangs..
the mess was unbelievable!!  books off every shelf, planters dumped
everywhere, everything on her desk scattered all over the floor, every
package of food opened and scattered [altho there were only a few of those],
pillows off the couch, papers strewn everywhere, all the kitchen utensils on
the floor, paper towels ripped to shreds, every towel pulled down from the
racks in the bathroom, the tissue unrolled all over the bathroom floor,
every vcr tape in the big cabinet out on the floor, her little clinic corner
was just chaos..  bandage packages scattered in every room, tape rolls
punched full of holes, packages and little bottles of medicine dumped on the
floor, instruments dumped out of trays..  well, I could go on and on..  It
was just awful!!
[answer from my old and wise friend] OH?  And what was Dayna's reaction to
this disaster??
[new friends reply] 'Well!!  that's what was so weird!' 'I told her she
shouldn't touch anything and to call the police immediately!' ''I told her
that several times!' 'But all she'd do was stand there with this huge silly
grin on her face and she kept repeating something like 'No, really
everything is just FINE..  Actually it's TERRIFIC!!' and she kept grinning
while actually laughing while she took in all the destruction.' 'I'm really
worried about her, could she be having a breakdown or something?'
[my old friend's reply] 'Oh, I wouldn't worry about it.' 'She is something
of an Odd Bird you know.' [and my old friend got off the phone as soon as
she got the new friend to promise not to call the cops or anything and
calmed her down]
[that's when my phone rang, when I answered it I could hear my old friend
nearly choking with laughter and after a couple of minutes she managed to
get the words out between giggles]..  'Mittsy is feeling much better I
I finally got the whole story out of her and we both couldn't stop laughing
for a long time..
Yup..  you guessed it..  my Mittsy fuzzy who has been on syringe feeding and
not felt like doing much of anything for a very long time has really
improved in every way..  today marks his return to fuzzydom!!  I was never
so delighted to see anything as I was to walk into that disaster area
today!!!  Oh, sure I'll be picking up for hours, and may never find
everything... and will have to go back to latched cupboards and putting
things up and away..  but who cares??  MITTSY IS ON THE MEND... AND BACK ON
THE PROWL!!!  and that's all that matters!!
[but I doubt my new friend would ever understand.. do you?? <ggggggg>]
 Happy Ferreting!!!
 dayna and the Woozles
 "Resident of... Marvelous Menagerie Of Mirthful Mayhem"
 dayna frazier  102046,3162  22-Nov-1996  18:33:02 PST
[Posted in FML issue 1762]