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Mon, 11 Nov 1996 13:45:09 -0500
"Lorraine M. Thompson" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
I have a question for those of you who own or know something about silver
mitts.  Sir Edmund (aka Squigglebutts) is a 2 pound neutered male silver
mitt approximately two to three years old (we took him in when his owners
could no longer keep him).  His SEED (s=sleeping; e=eating; e=eliminating;
d=drinking) is good.  His body color is good except for that rusty yellow
tail.  The tail has been this color for the last two to three weeks.  It
changed gradually.  We have eliminated the possibility that the color comes
from rubbing up against something.  My husband is concerned that it may be
indicative of some kind of illness.  Anyone have any ideas?
"Style is as unique and nontransferable and perfectly personal as a
fingerprint.  It is wise to take the time to develop one's own way of being,
increasing those things one does well and eliminating the elements in one's
character which can hinder and diminish the good personality."
                           .....Maya Angelou
I've found that every single moment of my life...whether born of joy or
pain...had the potential for grace realized.  Whether it's an opportunity to
learn something or an unexpected connection made, or finding love where you
thought none existed...
      by Michele Val Jean
[Posted in FML issue 1751]