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Sun, 15 Sep 1996 14:45:52 -0400
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
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Rascal here........
There was a question on the FML yesterday that I can answer.....YEA!
To: David Poffinbarger <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Ferret Treats
We all love raw potatoes (my bestest one), raw any veggie (May-wee's bestest
one is lettuce), Artichokes (only cooked ones either plain or with that
white creamy stuff but no butter!), raw fruit of any kind.  Mashed bananas
mixed with peanut butter, no salt crackers, cheese, cottege cheese, Apples
(Brandy's favorite), Yogurt (any flavor except plain), bread (uncooked or
toasted - no stuff on it), melons of any kind with Watermelon as the first
choice, Apple Cinnamon Cherrios (without the milk), dried cranberries,
raisins and Ferretone!  Old fat Pogo loves it all.  Mama should have called
him Mikey cause he'll eat anything!  We come running every time our mama
either opens any cupboard in the kitchen area or the cold box that's tall.
That one has the bestest stuff for sure.  I try to get to it myself so I can
choose our treats but it's too high up.  Darn!  And the other complaint I
have is.....we only get small bites of this stuff and not all the time and
that pushy brudder of mine...Pogo, thinks he's supposed to eat it all!
That's probably why he's so fat!  He just lays on his back and begs.  Does
he tink we might get a shuvel and pour this stuff in his mouth or what?  The
only shuvel mama said we can use is Lobo's pooper scooper ting cause the
others are too heavy.  Now there's a thought...feed Pogo with that one for
extra flavor!  hee hee Then maybe he won't eat all of it and there will be
some left for us, although I better give mama extra kisses to make sure she
doesn't put our part on that shuvel too.  Whew!  She has no faith at all
cause we are SUPERFERTS for sure!  We can move anything!  We try to stay
close to mama (she natually can never get away from us) cause she's always
munching on sompin.  Oh (before I forget) we like vegetable chip dip too
made with sour cream or cream cheese.  We won't touch anything that has any
meat juices, flavoring or chunks.  And last but not least....PEPSI!,
Although Crystal light is pretty good too.  As long as it's in a glass full
of ice, then it's posta be ours, right?  Then why does she always
say.....NONOBAD FERRET!  We don't know that one.  Do you?  She said sompin
about getting glasses that don't fall...haha....silly lady.  They don't make
it that way!  We have only Mazuri Complete ferret Chow and water the rest of
the time (which is most of the time).  mama trained us to come to one of
Lobo's squeek toys but now we come even faster when we hear that big cold
box open!  And before we get any of those fire things that go in the air and
out of the pooter........we know we aren't supposed to be eating things like
that but as long as we are careful and only get a little bit, it's been
fine.  Nobody has ever gotten sick, stopped up or nutin.  And mama said it's
better than rubber stuff or pieces of paper anyway.
To: "JEFF JOHNSTON, EPIDEMIOLOGY" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Cedar oil in shampoo
Are you saying that this new found shampoo with Citronella, Cedarwood,
Eucalyptus, Myrrh and Marigold is bad and shouldn't be used afterall?  We
don't get a bath very often.  And there isn't anything else in our whole
place that has cedar.
Goodness! Was that our favorite Fang Lady talking yesterday? We sure have
missed her.
May-wee got in trouble this morning.  Poor baby.  I jump to mama's hands
from Dad's bed upstairs.  That's great fun, but then mama turned around to
see sompin on the moving box thing that makes loud noises and May-wee
jumped.  Landed on her head and then fell to mama's bed.  Goodness!  It got
really noisy for a few minutes cause poor mama screamed!  Said sompin about
scaring the begezers or sompin outa her.  Well, that's good anyway cause
she's had bad back problems and we don't want anything else going bad cause
we need her too much.  May-wee was just keeping that bad stuff outa mama so
she won't get sick again.  What a smart baby she is, right?  And besides
mama's more fun to play with then crabby old dad.
Did I tell you a couple days ago that Lobo was hunting and caught 2 little
mice...or is that meeces.  What do you call more than one anyways?  He gave
them to mama too.  He loves her so much.  He put one on the big table
outside and one on the long tiltee ramp thig that mama walks up and down on.
Mama was so happy.  She said....What a great hunter you are.  He got extra
kisses and hugs too.  He was so excited!  Then she picked them up with
Lobo's pooper shuvel ting and tossed them out on the street.  Our favorite
black bird (CROW) came flying down and got them.  No he's not a super fert
like us...he had to do it 2 times!  Oh well.  We was watching him outa the
screen door and Lobo was crying.  That big old bird sat in the tree above
Lobo's head and ate them!  Mama said that's ok cause even those birdie tings
need food.
To my other cousins out there....our Dad found us a giant rubber dish thing
(frisbee) in his stuff in that big room outside.  It's even big enough for
Pogo.  Brandy won't stay on it, but the rest of us will.  She tosses us
across the living room.  Don't worry our living room is only about as long
as our Daddy is tall.  Pogo even brings it back to her.  He's such a good
boy!  Brandy stole it yesterday and took it up to our favorite hidey hole
under the back corner of that big sleep place.  Poor mama can't get upstairs
yet.  And Daddy is working too many hours cause we hardly ever see him
anymore.  We are usually ready for sleep when he gets home.  So he hasn't
had a chance to get it for us.  Oh no!  It was such a great toy too.
May-wee got in trouble this morning.  Poor baby.  I jump to mama's hands
from Dad's bed upstairs.  That's great fun, but then mama turned around to
see sompin on the moving box thing and may-wee jumped.  Landed on her head
and then fell to mama's bed.  Goodness!  It got really noisy for a few
minets cause poor mama screamed!  Said sompin about scaring the begezers or
sompin outa her.  Well, that's good anyway cause she's had bad back problems
and we don't want anything else going bad cause we need her too much.
May-wee was just keeping that bad stuff outa mama so she won't get sick
again.  What a smart baby she is, right?  And besides mama's more fun to
play with then crabby old dad.
Gotta go now....mama just put a box of something on her bed.  We have to go
make sure it won't go boom or sompin....oop's too late!  That big old Pogo
just pushed it on the floor!  On no...Brandy came tumbling out!  hee hee
Love, dooks, chuckles and a howl from the crew.....
Rascal (that's me) - and still in charge
Brandy - is the room moving or was that a shaky thing...how come I landed
         on the floor?
May-wee - time out guys! Mama's in the kitchen!
Pogo - That was my superfert act. Good, huh? hee hee
Lobo - be quiet I'm hunting sompin
and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1693]