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Sheena Staples <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 14:14:03 -0800
text/plain (17 lines)
>From:    shanon &/or Mitch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: getting a ferret to let go
>I noticed Sheena's way of getting a ferret to let well that wont always work
>I tried that a couple of times also and they just turned and chomped the
>hand that was trying to get her mouth to open.
The trick is to get them from behind the head and squeeze their jaws that
way.  Then when they release you are in a good position to scruff, which is
always followed by "Bad ferret!  No biting!"  I've never been caught in a
rebound bite using this method.
Sheena - [log in to unmask]  | "To Err is Ferret ... To Forgive|
VP - Ferret Association     | "... Well, That's Our Job"      |
     of Greater Vancouver   (The Wherret Shelter is temp. closed)
  We're on the Web! http://www2.portal.ca/~cmc/ferrets/fagv/
[Posted in FML issue 1765]