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Sun, 20 Apr 1997 12:07:33 -0700
"D. Steele" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (83 lines)
Hi everyone,
I have written occasionally in the FML.  Today I had to have Scooter put to
sleep- it was the hardiest thing I have ever had to do.  I love him so much
and it was so hard to let go.  Scooter had a hard time going to the bathroom
lately.  He would have to strain quite a bit.  This started a couple of days
ago.  I gave him some oil and gave him a little extra linetone for the oil-
if he was constipated it would do the trick.  His appetite was great and ate
heartily.  He was drinking as usual.  Saturday morning it all got much
worse.  I took him to the vet who said he was constipated and gave him
saline solution shot and an enema.  It didn't work.  Scooter's stomach was
very tender and he would cry when he tried to go to the bathroom.  The
doctor said to wait an hour and see how he was and return if he wasn't any
better.  He wasn't better but the vet was unable to see him right away.  I
took him to an emergency clinic at which there is a ferret expert vet.  He
looked at Scooter and said right off it was probably a urinary blockage.
Scooter was x-rayed for stones but had none.  He was going to be put under
anesthesia and the vet was going to drain the bladder.  We should come back
in two hours to see him and possibly take him home.  It might have been a
simple infection and draining might solve the problem - his intestines had
shut down because he was sick.  When we got home there was a message from
the vet to call him back.  Scooter had a massive tumor that was cutting off
his urethra and making it impossible for him to urinate.  Ultrasounds were
done and it was confirmed.  A needle aspiration was done and it looked
cancerous.  When I got to the vet Scooter was awake and I held him.  He
wanted to get down and he tried to urinate again and he began to cry.  Oh
God, I couldn't stand to hear him in pain.  I picked him up and held him
like a baby and kept asking him what I always did while stroking his head.
He would look at me and I would say "Are you my little boy?  I love you,
Scooter he would close his eyes and relax.  I kept petting and talking to
him- and calling him "my little boy".  He would look up every once in a
while and I just kept stroking him and telling him how much I love him.  I
talked to the doctor about the options - he said it wasn't good and Scooter
would be in continual pain.  I signed the papers and they said they could
put him to sleep without me there.  I said no I didn't want him to die with
no one there.  They said that in most cases of small animals it is done by
an injection directly into the heart, as a vein is hard to get, but that the
reaction of the animal could be upsetting.  The other choice which I
consider much more humane is that they would just give him an overdose of
the anesthesia and he would fall asleep in my arms in around 10 or 15
minutes and never wake up.  That is what I chose.  After the injection,
which didn't hurt him, Scooter settled back into my arms and I held him
close.  He just got sleeper and sleeper but he would response by opening his
eyes when I called him Scooter or my little boy.  He fell asleep after
around 10 minutes - the doctor came and checked and said it was over.  I
carried him home in my arms like I would a baby - he was still warm and
just seemed to be sleeping.
He will be buried today in my back yard under a tree.  My biggest regret is
that he was never allowed to see the Ocean or play in the sand, or go to a
park, or just accompany me anywhere.  But you see I live in California and
they just don't care.  I was hoping the legalization efforts would have gone
through and I could have made his life more fun than staying indoors most of
the time.  He loved the sun and loved to stretch out when I took him in the
backyard, which wasn't often enough because I have a two story apartment
complex next to me and I was always afraid someone might turn him in and I
would lose him.  And that would have destroyed both of us.
Scooter never ever bite anyone.  He was always gentle and kind.  He was my
best friend and along with my husband the biggest love of my life.  I don't
know what I am going to do without him.
I want to get another sable just like him and call him Scooter Jr.  as a
tribute to my little boy.  I want to love him and think of Scooter.  I would
like to find someone in California who has a litter so I could buy one.  A
trip to Las Vegas is just too overwhelming to think of right now.  Please
call my husband at his work if you can help with this (213) 753-3521
extension 262.  It is the garage at Hostess Cake Co. (the twinkie people)
ask for John.  John is there Tuesday and Saturday until 1pm and until 2:30
the other days.  If you are worried about who we are please don't - you can
also check me out at (310)243-3300 and ask for the Psychology Department- I
am a graduate student (43 years old) and the Secretary Jo Anne will verify
that.  Any other messages can be left with my aunt Becky (310) 433-7247 she
has an answering machine.  Or email me at [log in to unmask] I just don't
want to put in my home number in case we do get another little boy.
Thanks and I love you all for caring for ferrets- they are so wonderful.
And please say a prayer for Scooter and for me that the Rainbow Bridge
actually exists.
[Posted in FML issue 1909]