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Wed, 26 Mar 1997 02:08:55 -0500
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I do not want to appear overly-dramatic by my subject, but I am in desperate
need of help, as soon as possible.  I will try to hit the main points of the
problem we are having with one of our nine ferrets.
About two and a half months ago, our one and a half year old female, Casey,
was acting strangely.  She was lethargic, pale, and seemed to be getting
very aggressive.  I took her to our vet, and she diagnosed Casey as having
the flu.  She said to take Casey home to watch her for a few days.  She
seemed to improve a bit.
Then, about two weeks later, she started again to become very anti-social
with the other ferrets.  I also noticed she was again very pale (her
nailbeds), and she was scratching excessively.  We had blood work done, and
it came back that Casey was extremely anemic (28 then, down to 14
currently!!), and she was not re-generating her red blood cells.  The vets
suspected a possible adrenal tumor, but since her vulva was not (and still is
not) swollen, they weren't sure.  We had an x-ray, ultra sound, transfusion,
and a bunch of other tests done, and finally, after many consultations with
our vet, vets at the Animal Medical Center in NYC, and with another vet who
sees many ferrets, we discovered she had an adrenal tumor.
Casey was operated on two weeks ago today to remove the tumor.  The vet who
performed the operation also did a bone marrow test and a spleen asperate to
make sure there was not any cancer present.  All the tests came back fine.
However, it has been two weeks, and Casey is no better.  If anything she is
worse.  Her red blood cells are still not re-generating, and her pcv level
is hovering at 13-14.  All the vets are baffled.  They say Casey is
exhibiting signs of many different illnesses, but all the tests are
inconclusive.  Right now she is on Epogen Erythropoetin to help the kidney
(supposedly it helps to kick the red blood cells back into gear).  Also, the
vets want to start her on prednisone and teratcyclene.
Casey is not eating -- we have to force feed her.  Also, she has diarrhea
and is obviously very lethargic.  HELP, PLEASE.  No one seems to be able to
come up with a diagnosis and then treatment.  We, as well as the vets, are
grasping at straws right now.  Casey is so young and was so lively and
beautiful.  We will do anthing to help her, but need help from others.
Please post this and if anyone has any suggestions, ideas, has heard of
similar symptoms, please, I beg you, please contact me.
Thank you.  We will be so grateful for any information.
Lisa Spellman
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[Posted in FML issue 1884]