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Fri, 7 Mar 1997 22:08:14 -0500
Sharon Burbine <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Happy Ferret Freedom Day to All of You!
A group of Massachusetts Ferret Friends and their friendly ferrets converged
on the State House in Boston yesterday to hear March 7th proclaimed as
Ferret Freedom Day in Massachusetts.  As Governor Weld is out of the country
this week, Lt. Gov. Paul Cellucci read the proclamation, after a short
speech in which he compared the absent Governor to a ferret (both tend to
be hypoallergenic, so you don't sneeze when they sit in your lap; both have
roots in Massachusetts extending back over 300 years).
After the reading, the press had some questions for the Lt. Governor
regarding the legalization of ferrets in Massachusetts, as well as why he
knew why one wouldn't sneeze when holding the Governor in one's lap.  The
Massachusetts Ferret Friends did their best to provide deep background for
the the Lt. Governor in answering the press.
MaFF President Sharon Burbine then presented the Lt. Governor with a T-shirt
designed by Jeanne Carley of the Californians for Ferret Legalization.  The
shirt sported an adorable ferret in prison garb with CA DFG 50001 on it.  Ms
Burbine explained to the Lt. Governor and the press that it is still illegal
to own a ferret in California and said that the reason Ms. Carley had the
shirts printed in the Bay State was (in addition to our technological
superiority in t-shirt printing) was that ferrets are legal here.  The
message should not be lost on any governor, Republican or Democrat: Ferrets
Equal Jobs.
While the shirt was presented, Lt. Gov. Cellucci offered to hold Ms.
Burbine's ferret Wolfie.  Of course the photographers went mad to capture
that shot.  Wolfie on the other hand was quite interested in checking out
Lorraine Denicourt's sprite Fancy, who was being held on the other side of
the Lt. Governor.
The coverage of Ferret Freedom Day made four of the six local news shows and
one of the two local papers.  All of the coverage was positive, although
MaFF and our brand-new rabies quarantine were not mentioned.  Oh well.  You
can make the news, but sometimes you can't direct it.
With the rabies quarantine policy, establishment of a rescue and shelter
network, and a lot of hard-working people dedicated to owner education and
the welfare of ferrets, Massachusetts ferret owners have a lot to be
thankful for this year.
MaFF is celebrating our first annual Ferret Freedom Day this Sunday at the
Veronica Smith Senior Center in Brighton.  Anyone who lives in Massachusetts
or near here who still would like to attend, please let us know and we'll
get directions out to you.
P. S. Thanks to everyone who came out to the State House such short notice.
Lorraine Denicourt, Jan Fleury, Ronnie (Scoop) DiComo, Joel & Mary Cohen,
Maureen Harvey, Tracy & her friend, and Nancy Wright.  A big thanks also to
Nancy for opening up her home for Channel 56.  They did a great story on
the 10 O'clock news.  A big thank you also goes to Bud Jackson, Jackson
Communications for his help once again.  Also, we got a pleasant surprise
visit from Tom Kemper, Major Burns daddy, from Texas who was in Boston on
business.  Have a safe trip home Tom.  Apologies if anyone was left out.
[Posted in FML issue 1865]