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Mon, 24 Feb 1997 15:55:17 -0500
Cheryl Bott <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
I'm a lurker....and I didn't save the post that was about the family with
Giardia, and how they got it.
I've had repeated bouts of it, with no outside contact other than Groceries.
So I had some fruit checked by the Health dept that was marked South
American grown (grapes).  They tested positive.  I almost never wash my
fruit, but now I scrub it with a vegetable scrubber, and sometimes I use
soap.  Be very careful with food and water, as they are both carriers, as
are all lizards, and most birds, Beavers, snakes, ect..
Also, I bet I'm not the only one who saw the Black Footed Ferts on TV...Boy,
are they vocal!
I love the list.  I save every tidbit of info, and pass it on to my
Vet...who is thankful for the extra knowledge and experience of ownership.
My Family consists of:
Precious :) the ruby eyed white Fert Face.
Emmett the Otter :) I cannot explain his color...he seems to be a sable in
reverse, dispite the name, he's a Fert Face.
DiMarco...Min Poodle...Mascot of afore mentioned.
Chain & Saw, SugarGliders....commonly known as "flying Ferrets with an
Cheryl...biped...manipulated by all previously mentioned Creatures.
My Love and Prayers go out to all sick Fuzzies.
[Posted in FML issue 1854]