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Fri, 7 Feb 1997 19:15:48 CDT
Austin Owens <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Sorry to post twice but had to respond....
>The one remaining worry that nags at me, rational or not, is what happens
>if someone breaks into the house?  Assuming they didnt get stepped on...
>burglar is going to think there might be an animal sleeping in that blankie
>I dont think yr average housebreaker is going to close all the doors tidily
>behind them, so I worry about the boys getting out & becoming lost or worse.
This happend in my town a few months ago... some guy was goin around
breaking into every house he saw.  Also he had a liking for *RICH* houses...
He though he was smart and druged any dogs he came upon.  Well one day he
broke in to a house and the ppl had a loose ferret.
The family came home to find there house broken into and a dead ferret on
the kitchen floor.  He had been beeten to death with a bat. =-(  They also
saw a trail of blood... leading out of the house.
Not much had been taken but the instantly called the cops.  A few hours
later the guy was un jail..  HOW?!  well... after he broke into the house
the ferret ATTACKED him... tore his butt up pretty bad.  He got caught at
the ER..  one of the police had an idea and when he got off duty went and
sat in the ER and waited.  sure enough a few hrs later in comes this guy
saying his cat bit him.  BUSTED!!!!!
The guy is now in jail for 30 yrs for the robberies.  AND got another 20 yrs
for the death of the ferret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The juge was an
animal lover and put it to him!
Just wanted to share.... My opinon is that a fuzzy might chase off a
Austin & ( goin on a hunt... goin on a new ferret hunt hunt hunt)
  CJ  ( bad boy bad boy what ya gonna do? when fuzzy's come after you?!)
[Posted in FML issue 1838]