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Thu, 6 Feb 1997 01:03:43 -0500
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
>From:    Anthony Smith <>
>Subject: Ferret still Bites after 1 year!!!
>From:    Catherine Shaffer <>
>Subject: At the end of my rope
#1 - if you are caught in a death grip bite by a ferret, the best way to get
them off is to head for the nearest deep sink or tub in your house, turn the
cold water on full blast, and place your hand (or other body part) with
ferret attached to it under the running water.  Once the ferret lets go,
scoop the ferret up with a towel and place back in cage for a "cool down /
dry off" time.
#2 - If this ferret is not altered, do so immediately - I'm behind on
reading the FML, so if you are waiting because you don't know, then I guess
you have a reason to wait longer.  Has the ferret been seen by a vet to make
sure there are no "sore spots" on the ferret which might trigger pain and
the "attack"?
#3 - Does this ferret have other ferrets to play with?  My very first ferret
was abused, and Rikki attacked for no reason a sleeping child and ripped his
arm up real well - I have seen the damage a ferret can do to flesh.  We
waited a year for him to calm down, and when things really didn't get
better, we got him a playmate and he only nipped people occasionally after
that.  Rikki liked to "taste" new people, and once he tasted you, he never
bit you again.  He lived to eight years of age.  I learned a lot the hard
way from him.
#4 - Diet here is very important.  Something might be missing.  If you are
not feeding this ferret the absolute best ferret diets or combination of
ferret and kitten food diets, then start now.
#5 - Has this ferret had it's vision checked?  Many ferrets with abnormal or
impaired vision mistake movements or smells and react "to be on the safe
side".  For example - were you eating something before tickling the ferret,
or had hand lotion on?  Did you use a certain soap or just hand washed some
dishes or clothes?  Ferret's noses are very sensitive, and we can set them
off with what is to them strong or unfamiliar or unpleasant smells.
Hope some of these ideas help or at least promote an alternative thought
process to rectifying the situation.
Pamela Troutman Grant / STAR* Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1836]