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Fri, 17 Jan 1997 08:21:31 -0500
"Mrs. Duck" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
I have seen lately a large number of pleas for help on the FML regarding ill
ferrets.  I'd like to make an observation and give some help...
There is a "Ferret Flu" going around.  It seems to be bacterial in nature as
it responds well to antibiotics (unlike ECE, a disease with simalar
symptoms).  The symptoms of this flu tend to be stools ranging from regular
but loose to out and out diarreah.  They might be any color from normal
(this largely depends on the food you feed) to very dark green.  This is one
area where this disease differs from ECE.  There is no flourescence to the
poops.  If you have light green, flourescent poops, you have possible ECE.
You will often find a slightly elevated fever, but not always.  There can be
sniffling and congestion.  You might see vomiting.  The big problem is
The treatment is actually fairly simple, although very time consuming.
Primarily it is aggressive maintainence and antibiotics.  First, PLEASE TAKE
use antibiotics.  Flagyl, amoxi, and Albon seem to be the antibiotics that
this responds to.  I suggest a combo of Flagyl and Amoxi- that seemed to do
the trick in our house.  Put unsick ferrets on amoxi as a precaution... This
flu seems to affect ferrets of all ages and health.  Of course ferrets with
underlying health issues are more seriously affected.  (In my house of 8
ferrets, the only two who were completely asymptomatic were a 12 week old
Australian Kit, and a six year old MF Female)
You can also use Pepto-Bismal to help with the diarreah.  Acidophilus in the
water bottles will help their digestive systems replace the "good" bacterias
being killed by the antibiotics.  Also use Pedialyte in the water bottle.
If the ferret is dehydrating, sub-cu fluids, preferably with a B-12 booster
in them are indicated.  YOUR BIGGEST DANGER IS DEHYDRATION!!
Force feed the ferrets Duck Soup if they are not eating.  Add Banana bay
food to help them bind.  It is preferable to get them back on their normal
diet as soon as possible.  Give them all the NutriCal they will take.
This usually seems to take 5-10 days to be totally gone.  Sometimes it seems
that a ferret is doing better, only to have them relapse, but this seems to
be the exception, not the norm.  I had this flu in my house from
Thanksgiving until mid-December.  I am thanking God it is gone and only led
one of my ferrets over the Rainbow Bridge.  (I have mostly seniors, so these
types of things are particularly troublesome)  Keep the ferret cage as clean
as possible, change bedding and litter daily.
One other note...and this is a BIGGIE!!!  This seems to be carried by us
humans, and not just fuzzies.  There are at least 5 cases I know of in
households with only one or two ferrets, who's owners had not had them out
of the house for months, and who had not had other ferrets or ferret owners
in for the same amount of time.  In addition, the owners had not been
exposed to other ferrets in pet stores, or other peoples homes.  I
personally came down with the flu on December 7th... nine days after my
first ferret became ill.  I don't know if there is something there...
Hopefully this is a winter flu, and it will be gone forever with the tulips.
If you need any help with this, feel free to contact me.
-Mrs. Duck
[Posted in FML issue 1818]