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Mon, 6 Jan 1997 16:30:42 -0600
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I might get royally flamed for this...but I am getting a bit concerned.
Ever since ferrets became legal in Mass...it seems like there are no other
pets sold.  I have seen parents at Christmastime buying ferrets for small
children, thinking they are so cute (I know, how can they help but think
that) and that worries me.  I spoke with some of them, asking if they knew
what was involved with buying a ferret, and they said it didn't seem like a
big deal.
Ferrets ARE a big deal.  They can be quite a handful, and there are
considerations that people don't seem to think of.  Problems that come up
that most people don't want to deal with.  Like my Bandit, who thinks the
litterpan is an indicator of where he should go...BESIDE.  Or the fact that
they have a slight musky odor.  (which I find pleasant, my mother finds
revolting) Finding a vet who knows what he's doing is not easy since they
are so knew.  My vet tried very hard to come up with a diagnosis for my poor
little weezer, but if it weren't for the FML, she might be dead right now.
Is every person who buys a ferret going to make this very special commitment?
They are part of your family, they need attention, love and care.
They (in my humble opinion) shouldn't be pets for tiny kids.  Most parents
don't seem to want to deal with a few scratches on their children as a
result of ferret play.  So what happens?  After a few months, the novelty
wears off, and they want something else.  Now I am not saying this is always
the case, but ferrets are a "new animal" around Mass, and EVERYONE is
getting them.  Do people just disregard these furry friends' feelings?  I
don't understand it at all.  I worry that so many of our little fuzzies are
going to be put into shelters and/or abandoned.  I know that there are a lot
of responsible ferrets "parents" who love them to death, and who help out as
many as possible, but how many can we support?  People who buy ferrets
because they seem "cool" and think "how much hassle can a tiny animal be?"
are the ones who are in for a big shock.  I still don't know where the
remote for my TV is, and I can't keep anything sweet around the house
without making sure Bandit can't get it.
I think ferrets are wonderful, but not for everyone.  I tried to tell that
to the woman who was buying one for her grandfather because he liked the
movie Beastmaster.  I'm sorry, but I can't imagine MY grandfather chasing
Bandit around trying to get his cigarettes and soda bottle back.  I hope
this recent boom in ferret sales means people are changing their style,
don't mind a little mess, and are willing to live with fun, furry thieves
who love them dearly.  I pray that new ferret mommies and daddies will have
the patience to teach their kids not to nip too hard when playing, to leave
Daddy's toes alone because he gets mad, and to leave mommies Coke alone, she
doesn't like it when the bottle is punctured in a thousand places and
leaking all over the floor.
Thanks for letting me vent, I hope I didn't offend anyone.
Dooks and kisses to all, happy New Year.....
Jen--David, have you seen my keys?
David--No, have you seen my socks?
Bandit--Weezer, gimme a hand with this cabinet door, I KNOW there is
licorice in here...
Weezer--just a second, let me put this behind the fridge-thing.
[Posted in FML issue 1807]