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Wed, 18 Dec 1996 13:58:18 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
To: Tina Femea <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: wood stove pellets
Look in your phone book's yellow pages for Wood burning pellet stoves.
Those are just like fireplaces but only use the pellets.  Since switching my
fuzzies on them they took to them right away and it's super easy and cheap
to use.  I only pour about an inch and a half in their litter box.  Every
morning on their first play romp I toss the whole box full.  I replace with
the same amount and the next two play times during the day I just scoop out
the poops and saw dust.  Any wet stuff makes instant saw dust.  There's
absolutely no smell like cat sand litter gives.  Do you have a HOME DEPOT,
ORCHARD SUPPLY or WALMART near you?  They sometimes carry those pellets
also.  The ones I get are guaranteed not to have been treated with any
chemicals or additives at all.  Just one bad point......with the fresh box
full, my Boys...Rascal and Pogo have to dig a few tunnels first.  I think
they like the sound of it.  Then they'll dig new tunnels in a different
direction which usually straightens the box full back to normal or at least
close, go potty and resume playing.  It's a fresh morning every day ritual.
I'll never go back to sand ever again.  And hanging water bottles like
Rabbits and hamsters use work very well.  There's no spillage.  We have a
two story condo cage and have a bottle on each level.
To those of you that still haven't gotten the chance or desire to purchase
David Doyle's ferret story books....let me tell you my opinion please...They
are great! He's going to publish the one I'm working on also so now I really
am getting excited! Good job David!
To: Diana Bachman....Frosty Paws Ferrets and your Maternity Ward
You said you are expecting a flood of babies and aren't using fluorescent
lighting?  Well then what's in their water?  hee hee Sounds like your New
Year's week is going to be mighty busy.  May you have lots of healthy active
babies and mama's that don't get too over-whelmed.
To:  Adrienne Williams <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: The night before Christmas
That's was SUPERB! Keep up the great work!
To everyone and to all before we forget.........
We hope and pray everyone has a safe and fun filled but spiritual Christmas.
Sure hope Santa is good to you and your fuzzies.
Cheers, chuckles, dooks and a howl from the crew......
Rascal (chief in charge and mama's main lover boy), Brandy (still way too
busy to pay attention), May-wee (such a frail wee little baby girl but
fiesty!), Pogo (mama calls me Bubba cause I'm a real CHUNK!), Lobo (the
Guard Wolf) and their mama too!
[Posted in FML issue 1789]