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Thu, 12 Dec 1996 15:51:19 -0600
Lami and Sid <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi out there in FML land, We're back again.  we've gotton on the computer
but can't find a HML or similar.  What is a HML?  Human Mailing List, Of
Boy, our caretaker thought she could bribe us to sit still to clip nails.
Surprize, we figured that one out.  We are still trying to figure out how to
get into her sleeping area.  Oh, did we pull a fast one.  Our CA owner said
we didn't eat ferret chow.  But boy this stuff tastes good.  But darn margie
won't give us any gummie bears or fruit loops.  Says it'll get in out teeth.
Can't imagine that.
We were going to be housed "temporarily " in large blue kennel.  Lami here
banged on the door to get out.  It worked we got improved living quarters.
A second floor suite.  It even has a warm sweat shirt.
Made out first visit to vet.  Yuck!  Got nails trimmed, unfair 2 humans
against one ferret.  Couldn't squirm out of that.  Did get out shot.  Vet
tech must thought we babies, had baby scale out... Okay, previous caretaker
had too many other animals.  And no ferrets.  Not good.  We lost lots of
weight .  Now with margie all she does is let us eat, sleep and drink.  Good
Lami... I got to cuddle when you got your shot.
Sid... Yeah, but you got your nails trimmed
first.  <hee hee>
[Posted in FML issue 1782]