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Wed, 11 Dec 1996 12:02:31 -0500
Catherine Shaffer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Shoe stealers:
Watch out!  Our ferrets started out only stealing the shoes.  They very
quickly learned how to RIP the insoles out.  Not just removable insoles,
either.  I'm talking the kind that are glued in.  Then they will either hide
or eat them, depending on which one it is.
Here's a short list of things my ferrets have stolen:
shoes (all)
insoles (Sebastian and Mithril)
socks (Mithril, totally)
pants (Mortimer)
T-shirts (Mithril, she eats them, too)
blankets (Sebastian, red ones)
Nylons (all, they want to take them off my legs)
underpants (Mithril, she eats them)
wallets (ALL)
combs and brushes (ALL)
dolls and stuffed animals (ALL, and they rip the heads and eyes off if
possible-is this the source of the "babykiller" rumors?)
belts (ALL)
slippers (ALL)
contraceptive devices (Part of a conspiracy, I think.)
books and magazines (Sebastian, I think)
kibble (ALL, like, it's sooo hard to get the stuff.  [rolling eyes])
bananas by the bunch (Sebastian)
jingly cat toys (ALL)
rubber duckies (Mortimer things they are babies--no kidding)
COMPUTER EQUIPMENT: mice, hard drives, diskettes, cords, motherboards,
               anything at all in a static-free bag (mostly Sebastian)
tree bark (Mithril, of course, "It's mine mine mine all MINE!")
me (they try to get me in their hidey hole, and especially rescue me from
   the bathtub by tugging on my hand)
sponge mop (Sebastian)
sponges (Mortimer, preferably yellow and soaked with Murphy's oil soap.
         He'll do anything for one.)
small things
large things
huge things
stuff that doesn't belong to them
Okay, you get the idea.  They are FERRETS.  Stealing is their primary goal
in life.  I have noticed that they become more sophisticated thiefs as they
get older.  Anyone else?
Also, my ferrets climb like monkeys.  I have a book at home that
specifically says they are not supposed to climb.  They refuse to read it.
I'm jealous that anyone else might have non-climbing ferrets.  (Oh, and the
book says that they will not jump off of your shoulder or out of a carrying
bag because they are afraid to hurt themselves...NOT!)
[Posted in FML issue 1781]