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Thu, 5 Dec 1996 18:45:32 -0500
"K. Sherman" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
When I read your post about your little girl's paralysis, I thought of
Casper and my experiences with him.  He also is unable to walk and all of
the vets that I have taken him to do not know why.  (4 traditional vets and
1 holistic vet)
The x-rays taken of Casper last month don't show any obvious damage to his
spinal cord either.  We don't know the cause of the injury, but suspect that
he twisted his back while fighting with a foster ferret last summer.
Casper's paralysis began with paresis and gradually began worse after his
adrenal surgery a couple of months later.  (Dr Kemmerer believes that the
adrenal tumor was hiding some of the symptoms of the spinal injury.)
Can your ferret still urinate?  Can she control her bowels or does she poop
on herself?  Casper has not been able to urinate on his own since late
August and does not seem to have any control over his bowels.
The only movement that Casper makes with his hind end is occasionally
straight legged kicking when I am washing his bottom or immediately
following a bowel movement. He still straightens his legs when I scritch
the back of them too.
I would advise that you start working with her legs to keep up the muscle
tone while she heals.  I waited to start and Casper's muscles began to
I was told by Dr Williams that spinal injuries in ferrets were not common
and yet since Casper's problem started, I have heard about almost a dozen
ferrets that have or have had an unexplained spinal problem.  Dr Williams,
if you are still reading the FML, I would love to hear any further imput
from you.  Dr Kemmerer and I are without a clue now.  :(
I received some encouraging letters from other FMLers who have had their
ferret go through this.  It was a great source of inspiration to hear that
other ferrets had recovered and regained the use of the rear legs.  Perhaps
you will hear from them also.
Good luck Alan!
Happy ferreting!
Susie Sherman
Brevard Ferret Lovers Rescue
Melbourne, FL
PS: Please keep our three ferrets, IVAN, Binky, and pj, in your thoughts
for the next few days. They escaped through the bedroom window last nite
(Wed) and we haven't found them yet. Please pray for their safe return...
[Posted in FML issue 1775]