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Wed, 13 Nov 1996 19:16:44 -0500
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Yup, you read it right.  Monster >BANGS< her canines on the floor!  Because
she's deaf and BEW, I'm assuming she doesn't see too well (except for the
raison can!) and depth perception is the problem.  She doesn't seem to mind
<???> though I cringe every time she does it!  Anyone else with this problem?
Megan and Monster
The rest is my $0.02 Can, and some is total fluf!  Read at your own risk.
Melissa (Re:  Iams Lamb&Rice Eukanuba, 11/11/96)
I added this to my mix as soon as it became available.  I haven't noticed
any difference in poop over the last month.  I'm now free-feeding roughly
equal parts Iams Cat, Iams Lamb&Rice Eukanuba, 8in1 Ferret Ultrablend, and
Pet Value's Performa kitten (not great as a sole food, but she likes it!).
She seems to eat them all equally, regardless of shape or brand.
"Bobby" (Re: ferrets and dogs, Nov 9/96)
My advice is to keep the dog and ferret separate.  Period.  No contact.  If
Buffie will take on a possum, she'll probably be quite happy with
Closed doors and/or cages at all times!
Tom (from 11/8/96 - ok, so I'm a little behind!)
>...Your fuzzbutt will be fine.  BTW
>Mat is 20, 6'6" and weighs 260, and has a heart of gold.
Yes, but is he rich?  (Sorry - >VERY< politically incorrect, but I couldn't
Obscure Ferret Reference:
Dan Simmons' new "Endymion" - part of what was the Hyperion duology, now
trilogy.  Good Scifi, but a hard read.  "where they sold ferrets in gilded
cages" (sorry - can't find the page)
Maybe he got one (or more?) recently - I don't recall them from the first 2
[Posted in FML issue 1753]