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Thu, 7 Nov 1996 18:51:25 -0600
Grace Stahre <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Just a little update on my two new babies.
My Fredonia rescue (still nameless- HELP!) has been much more energetic
lately.  Now she puts some effort into getting off my lap to explore.  She
had a fit when I put her back into the cage this morning, threatening to
overturn her litter pan, then finally deciding to lay in it... oh well.
I let Ozzy check her out a little while ago.  The first thing she did was
poop right in front of him.  I smell a territorial dispute here.  Something
stunk anyway :( .  She didn't seem as upset as usual, so I let him follow
her around.  She jumped a few times, but didn't attempt to bite him.  I
finally made him leave her alone, so he went off to the kitchen to go eat
and she's been climbing the walls ever since.
The baby is still jumpy around the boys.  To keep her from biting their
heads, the boys turn sideways to her and lay on her.  The boys are so good
with her.  I think she wants to be queen bee though.  I think she gets mad
when they don't get the point.  I got nipped this morning at the end of a
small tussle.  But she must have felt guilty because she started to kissed
my finger when I yelled NO.
Their condo is looking better and better.  It is seperated into two separate
levels right now, serving as cages for the baby and the rescue.  The baby
now has a shelf to climb up to and a ramp leading up to it.  She likes to
walk up and down the ramp.  She was having so much fun earlier on the shelf,
just stretching and rolle around, that she rolled off the edge onto the
blankets below.
The rescue keeps going over to the baby's cage. Not sure if we're going to
try that this evening. Need to buy more Lysol.
While I was writing this we just had our first playtime!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had a
garbage bag filled with plastic bags waiting to be recycled on the floor.  I
heard all this crinkling and chirping!  She was jumping on top of the bag
and dooking!!!!!  So I chased her around the floor, crinkling a plastic bag.
She ran and dooked and ran through the dryer tube.  This is so great!  *sigh*
Hope everyone else is having a good time with their rescues too.  Thanks
again to everybody who was involved.  And I publicly apologize to the
Nelson's for not notifying them sooner on our change in pick-up plans.
aggy    (I'm just not interested. I'd rather sleep. And don't bite my head!)
ozzy    (Baby?Baby?Where's the baby?Huh,Huh? Can she play?Huh?
rescue (dook!dook!)
baby    (I am baby! Ruler of the apartment! You will surrender!)
[Posted in FML issue 1747]