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Mon, 4 Nov 1996 09:38:00 PST
Stephanie Yoong <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi everyone, I want to announce that Ferret Math has struck again in all its
glory--From 2 there became 5!!!
Joining my family of animals, are three big sable boys (all weighing in over
4 lbs!  :) ) from the Oregon Ferret Association.  Their names are Kiner,
Avery and Put-Put (Put-Put needs to be renamed and is accepting nominations
now) They are all of very sweet dispositions and are the most lovey ferrets I
have ever seen (Kiner gives kisses practically on command :) ) Unfortunately,
we're experiencing some adaptation problems.  My two first ferrets (Sugar, a
gorgeous albino male and Spice, my sweet little BEW) are very small compared
to these new guys (sugar weighs in at about 3 pounds and spice is 1.5 lbs).
Has anyone experienced the following: We first owned a cat--then we got
Sugar and Spice (about a yr ago) Kimba(the cat) had no problem with these
two...but upon bringing home the big boys yesterday, Kimba had a fit and
started hissing whenever one of the big boys came near...
any suggestions are welcome...and remember, I'm taking nominations for a new
name for Put-Put.
Dooks to all!
     Stephanie and Todd
     Sugar--Mom!  they're beating up on me!!
     Spice--Woo hoo!  More guys!
     Kiner--Where did that bananna go?
     Avery--Keep that cat away from me! I don't like him either!
     Put-Put--how did i get this name anyway?
[Posted in FML issue 1743]