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Mon, 21 Oct 1996 17:12:45 -0400
Karri Knutson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
I was wondering what exactly are the symptoms of Insulinoma.  Last night I
read the an article in Modern Ferret about Puck a ferret living with
insulinoma, and a few of the things they mentioned about Puck sounds like
Sosha.  I don't really know much about Sosha before I got her.  They said
she was 16 months old, but they lied about a lot of things, they even had
some one at a pet shop cover for them.  But the day I got her I noticed she
almost always seems to be in a daze.  But I figured that was only because
this is a new place for her, but she is still like that.  She also sleep the
whole time she's in her cage ( except to eat and poop) and about a half hour
after she is let out, she goes and finds a place to sleep, and stays there
until I wake her up to go in her cage.
Another thing they mentioned in the article is that Puck doesn't use his
litter box anymore, he goes to go in it but changes his mind and goes out
side of it.  And now over 80% of his cage is a litter box.  Sosha does that
too, I have to keep 2 pans in her cage for her to use one.  And when we went
to get her, her old cage was mostly the litter pan, and she didnt use the
Another thing was that Pucks hind legs got very weak,  Sosha walks funny,
like she doesnt want to walk on her hind legs.  Very different from the other
And the last observation (I Think) was that I thought that Sosha might be
deaf because she doesnt react to noises.  But the day before last I was
watching her and realized that she does respond to some noises, loud ones,
but usually has a complete blank look on her face.
I know I am completely over reacting, but I just want to be sure.  So if
anyone knows whatt the symptoms for Insulinoma are, please let me know.  I
am sorry for the long post :)
Mucho feretone,
Karri (& Ona & Ceezer & Sosha & Alaska>>who wishes she was a ferret)
[Posted in FML issue 1729]