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Wed, 2 Oct 1996 09:56:04 -0400
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
rabies study:
>third: decide if you want to PAY someone to do that to a sweet innocent
>little fuzzy.  Now think in terms of dozens of cute little fuzzys!
If the studies are not done now, than dozens and dozens of sweet little
fuzzies will continue to die needlessly for years because there is no US
scientific study to show that ferrets have a specific shedding time.
Innocent pets with NO CHANCE of being rabid will die because no one cared to
support the present projects and future ferrets.
I'm NOT saying that funding the KSU or MAF rabies studies will "end" the
controversy and solve the quarantine issue, but they will make it very
difficult to continue to refute what we already know - ferrets are a dead
end to rabies.  I don't like animal testing, but I also feel that it is
better for the ownerless MF ferrets to contribute their lives to this study
than to continue to have people's beloved pets stripped from their homes or
not released from animal shelters because the quarantine period is still
"unknown".  Better a few die for the salvation of the multitude.
Mark -
>If either one of my three ever had rabies, I would sure like it if there
>were a "magic pill" or injection that could be given to cure them.  Well,
>how is this "magic pill" or an injection supposed to be developed?
The vaccine is already developed and tested and approved - all you need to
do is have your vet administer it annually.  It is called IMRAB 3.  The
problem is DESPITE the fact that a ferret is inoculated, the "authorities"
will kill and test for rabies because the quarantine or shed time is not
[Posted in FML issue 1710]