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Mon, 23 Sep 1996 10:50:34 -0400
Michelle Z Matta <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Please understand that I'm asking this question SINCERELY - not with
underlying motives or sarcasm.  I'm just asking.  This queston is directed
to those of you who are firmly set against MF to the point of not having
anything to do with MF or their products (ferrets & others).
What is the difference between accepting a MF rescue into your home and
accepting a MF ferret directly (via a pet store, etc)?
Let me elaborate.....By accepting a MF rescue into your home, in a round
about way, you're indirectly supporting MF because that ferret was paid for
at some point in time, therefore their company was supported and their work
continues.  By buying one from the company (via pet stores) you're directly
supporting MF, therefore supporting their company and their work continues.
My question is not about the practices or ethics of MF, or any other
breeder/company.  I'm just curious as to what the difference is in
supporting them indirectly and directly?
It would take most ferret owners in the states and surrounding countries to
boycott MF in order for them to shut down and/or take notice, which is
pretty unrealistic due to individual circumstances and location.  Wouldn't
it be more productive for all involved (the ferrets especially who don't get
to decide where they come from) if we tried to better MF overall rather than
destroy them?  Just another point of view I guess.
- Mish
__MICHELLE Z. MATTA__________________________
Carnegie Mellon University......Athletic Dept
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[Posted in FML issue 1701]