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Sun, 8 Sep 1996 14:45:36 -0700
text/plain (31 lines)
Three of my four ferts (Fairy, Niles & Chandler Bing) are lossing weight
(gradually), having a "non-firm" poop - sometimes orangey or yellowy - but
are not acting differently.  Has anyone run across something like this?  I'm
making a vet appointment for this week ASAP, but I'd certainly like your
These three have always been dog food stealers, and I've started putting up
the dog food thinking that was what was causing the odd colored poop, but
now its getting much less firm and the 3 seem to be getting thinner (they
are already tiny, tiny ferrets).  The baby, Bug, who has never had a taste
for anything other than her ferret food, is a little butterball.
Everytime something unusual happens it really scares me because they are all
Marshall Farm ferrets bought from the same pet store.  Fairy is 1 year old
and the others are younger - so age isn't it.
I've ordered some Totally Ferret food from the Shelter in Weatherford but it
hasn't come yet.  Currently they are getting "8 in 1, Ferret Untra Blend"
food, their Linatone and I've just gotten them some "Ferretvite" (High
Calorie Vitamin Concentrate) but they don't seem to like it.
Any advise you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Kay Winters
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and Fairy, Niles, Chandler Bing and Bug
[Posted in FML issue 1686]