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Wed, 21 Aug 1996 16:41:02 -0400
Pam Grant and STAR* Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
To Chuck and anyone else:
the STAR* listing is a free service for people to be listed on, who are
willing to work with ferrets - as vets, breeders, clubs, shelters, product
sellers, contacts, etc.
If you want to be listed, all I ask for is a referal (one) unless you
subscribe to STAR* (then listing is optional).  Many STAR* subscribers are
not listed on the database, and many ask to be listed later on when they
feel they know a bit more and can help others.  You do NOT have to be a
subscriber to be listed.
To be removed from the listing, I have to receive more than one complaint or
the listing is no longer correct.  I have removed a few breeders and vets in
the years this list has been in existance - one vet actually called me long
distance to complain about not being on the listing - and now he never will
be added.
I rely on the people out there (YOU ALL) to help keep this listing up to
date and accurate.  I usually do a mailing in December to the over 500
non-vet listings to see if the addresses are still correct.  If I do not
receive a response to my mailing, then the listing is changed to "ferret
contact" if it was something else before, and removed if the setting was
already a "contact" and they chose not to respond.  My feeling is this - if
you can't take time out to return the survey and spend 32 cents to let me
know you want to still be listed, you are not going to help other ferret
people so you might as well be removed.  I don't care how "well known" the
club or person is - respond to the survey or be removed.
The STAR* database is updated on the WWW several times a year, but it is
always possible to get the most recent listing for your state from my
computer for a SASE.
Pam Grant - Shelters That Adopt & Rescue Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 1668]