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Fri, 9 Aug 1996 04:09:50 -0400
David Doyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (50 lines)
Hello everybody,
Dave here, you know, Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, and Wiggles Dad...
Well, I just wanted to ask you'all how you like the new Big Adventure that I
have been writing...I think that it is coming along rather nicely...most of
the ideas are drawn from Lisa's and my experiences with our four wild and
crazy little ladies...
We just can't imagine what our lives would be like without them!!!
I have tried to keep their characitures true-to-life, as we have spent hours
upon hours playing with and observing the girls, and have a very good feel
for their personalities, likes and dislikes, attitudes when facing certain
things, etc.
We are seriously thinking of publishing this as a children's book...around
ages 11-14 or so...you know, with nice artwork..hopefully color!  I would
love to see a wrap-around cover for it with all of the animal characters all
together in the forest!  That would be suitable for framing in my home!!!
I get inspired to write The Big Adventure at odd hours...like 3 in the
morning...Lisa thinks I'm nuts but I tell her that I just had some good
ideas...and have to get on the computer!  Oh, and during my World Mythology
course at the college (Naw, teach, I'm takin' notes!), where I am working
for my bachelor's in Wildlife Ecology...(thus I am trying to incorporate
ecological and environmental messages and biology lessons...I am hoping that
the next generation of kids in this world really appreciate nature and all
of the critters out there that are each and every one of them important!
Also, as someone suggested to me in e-mail, I agree that this book will show
the public that domestic ferrets are not mean and vicious and rodents and
stupid, etc.etc.  but that they are actually fun-loving, very intelligent,
and dedicated to the task at hand!  In other words, that they make great
pets and should be legalized in CA and Hawaii...)
If anyone knows of anyone who would be willing to do this...in color
preferably... please e-mail me as soon as you can!!!
Well, gotta sign off now and work on the story...wonder just how it's going
to end...that's the hardest part you know!  But I already have some great
Love and dooks!
 Dave (human-type critter)
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[Posted in FML issue 1656]