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Tue, 30 Jul 1996 11:08:35 EST
"Brown, Peter M." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hi everyone.  Just had some questions (as usual <s>)
Sandy (a one year old male) play fights with me all the time.  He will
typically bounce around, run around, tug at my pants etc.  When he gets
worked up (only after a few moments) he will make this noise that is like a
cross between somone breathing really quickly and a hiss.  Is _that_ a hiss?
What does it signify?  Is it a good sound, or a bad sound?
Sandy has a bit of a biting problem.  He doesn't bite me, but he will bite
my girlfriend (Sabrina) all the time.  His teeth leave marks that are
visible for quite a long time, and judging from the yell Sabrina lets out,
it hurts like a son-of-a-gun.  Any harder and blood would be drawn.  he
almost never bites me (when he does, its playing and I tell him no and
stuff), and I'm the one that always roughhouses with him.  We're doing the
usual to get him to stop, but I am curious why he only bites her.  Any
Both of our fuzzies with sometimes just plop down completely flat on their
stomachs when they are walking around.  Is that for rest or does it mean
something else?  It is beyond adorable!  They just drop out of the blue.
Makes us laugh every time.
Out of the blue the other day, Sandy decided that the hallway in front of my
main door (vinyl flooring) would be a great place to relieve himself.  So he
did.  And it wasn't even in a corner, it was right in the middle of the
floor.  So I wiped it up, used lysol on it then used this neato enzyme junk
I have that's supposed to get rid of the smell of urine and feces.  I
figured that would be the end of that.  Then I went and did some other stuff
in the house, with Sandy with me for almost all the time.  I walked towards
the hall and I see Penny running from the hall (where there is a nice little
package waiting for me, at dead center of the floor).  So _again_, I clean
the mess, used the lysol and the other stuff, making sure I got the _whole_
area.  I forgot about the stuff, played with the ferrets for a little while
(long while!) did my work and then went upstairs to go use my bathroom.
When I got back downstairs, I stepped (without looking) into a small puddle
of ferret urine (guess where it was).  It was bedtime at that point so I
just cleaned up the stuff, put the two in their cage and went to bed.
Anyway.  Any idea why they would keep using that spot?  Its not a corner
(I'm used to finding presents in the corners), but it is in a hight traffic
zone and is at the bottom of the stairs (which is blocked off to them
because I cannot ferret proof all my computer and electronic equipment very
well.  Sandy has made it his goal in life to figure out how to get
upstairs.) Any insight would, of course, be helpful.
Pete, Sandy, Penny and Sabrina
[Posted in FML issue 1647]