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Thu, 25 Jul 1996 21:38:04 -0400
Jerry Price <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi, I m hoping someone can help shed some light on something for me.  My
little agent of chaos, Nemo has developed a rather interesting habit.
Several times a day he will lick the crook of my elbow for several minutes,
then bite me in the same location that he licked.  When I move my arm or
jerk my elbow away, in response to his teeth he will either chase my elbow
down, or hop on over to the other elbow to repeat the process.  My
hypothesis is that he was weaned from his mother at too early an age,
however I could be wrong.  Does anybody have any thoughts on this.
Also I heard a good myth with regards to ferrets a couple of weeks ago while
I was at a mountain bike race with my little pal.  While sitting around
reading, with my little stink boy tethered to my ankle, waiting for my race
to start, I was approached by a man who asked me if Nemo had ever bitten
anyone, I lied through my teeth and said no, then the man seem relieved and
told me that had he ever bitten me or anyone else and drew blood then he
would have to be destroyed, cause once a ferret gets the taste of blood
he/she will constantly crave it, and will always draw blood from there on
out.  He then told me that each year about a thousand babies or so are
killed each year because of the ferrets desire for blood.  I thanked him for
the information and told him that I thought he was a fascist and in no way
did I subscribe to his ignorance.  Then the man walked off with a puzzled
look on his face as to why I didn t believe him.  Oh well I guess I m just a
             Jerry and Nemo the blood sucker
[Posted in FML issue 1642]