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Fri, 26 Jul 1996 01:50:02 GMT
"Thomas J. Balevre" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi everybody out there.  It's been quite some time since I've posted.  In
fact, I'm already quite behind on reading the latest FML's.  Some of you
might remember my husband and me from back in February when we lost our
sweet Snoopers.  Again, thank you all for your kind responses.  It helped us
get through a very hard time.  We presently are owned by 3 fuzzies named
Gizmo, Angel and Muffin.
I'm writing for our friend Ray in Miami who doesn't own a computer.  He lost
his 4 yr. old female sable Muskie to heart problems (I can't spell the
medical term Cardio___) a week ago.  She died in her sleep.  His other 3 1/2
yr.  old male sable Max is showing signs of depression (but is still
eating).  He grew up with Muskie.  Ray isn't in the mood to get another
fuzzy but knows he needs to because of Max.  He'd prefer to get another
female sable not younger than 2 yrs.  old.  He called the South Florida
Ferret Rescue Club but because of the ECE problems down there and the fact
that he owns another fuzzy, they didn't really want to adopt to him at this
point in time.  They took his number, though.  I'm from Orlando, Florida and
thought I'd post this and see if anyone in the Miami or Orlando areas would
know of a fuzzy needing a new home.  Thanks for any help you can give me.
Audrey, Tom and The Three Musketeers :)
[Posted in FML issue 1642]