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Wed, 26 Jun 1996 14:09:14 -0700
Lynn Mcintosh <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Thanks once again to all of you who keep supporting us.  One angel (and I've
found there are many) from among you stepped forward recently - Hi Dayna!  -
and sent me info on how to make a "tummy skate" for Squeek.  As a result of
this angel's analysis and suggestions, Squeekers is also getting B-complex
(complete) two-three times a day.  This is the fourth day, and in the last
two his energy, appetite and playfulness have picked up!!  Squeek's also
expecting an afghan in blended shades of red (his favorite color) anytime in
the mail from Georgia and Percy Wood!
For those who don't know Squeek and are interested, he is a three-month
two-week old blaze, born to my beautiful albino, Claudette.  He grew ill two
months ago and, following the illness, never regained his ability to walk.
He must also be hand fed and given water (though he will sometimes eat and
drink if his head is supported).  He's been through prednisone treatment,
and been given chlorophenical and baytril antibiotics.  He came from a
litter where two babies were stillborn with the brain crest on top of their
heads (a neural tube probelm) and the other kit died after 24 hours - this
babe had a cleft palate and couldn't suck :( another neural tube syndrome.
He was getting pretty good at walking and running (though his balance was a
bit off) and loved to follow the big guys around and attempt everything they
did.  He's got a huge heart and spirit.  He still seeks out the "favorite
Squeek loves to go outside, where he walks and explores while I support his
neck and tummy (he gets to sniff the flowers and likes roses, but
nasturtiums really get his nose wiggling).  He also plays with his mom, her
lover Tarzan, and his sister Minnie, if I gold him up and move him a bit (he
does the "threatening" jaw snapping and pushing with his paws.  He loves his
red ball - very squishy and squeeky - and other forms of plastic for
chewing.  He's also a big-time tail wagger.  His daddys a bulldog (body type
stocky with a pug-nosed head, excuse my discription if it's crude or
disagreeable - dad's cute, believe me).  So Squeek has a short, thick tail
that has a 90 degree crook in the tip, which tip is covered in a white shock
of hair - like a big match.  He talks to me with his paws and eyes.
FOR THE TUMMY SKATE we're making we need independent wheels that swivel 180
degrees.  These are the kind of wheels found on suitcases.  They're easily
obtainable in 1 1/4 inch size, but I can't find anything smaller.  We have
obtained tiny castors from a specialty castor manufacturer, but these don't
roll extremely freely.  If I push the skate (model no.  1, a failed model,
but only our fisrt) along the hardwood floor and let go, it skids to a stop
rather than wheeling on.  CAN ANYONE HELP???  Squeek needs exercise beyond
going outdoors.  His circulation isn't what is used to be, as his paws feel
cold often.  I think he would take off on his own, given the chance.  He's
still got lots of chutzpah and oooompfh - when he gets mad he gives me a big
push or kick, and he still gives kisses.  He even squeeked yesterday, when
Tarzan nipped him a tad too hard.  Tarzan is a big male, neutered a couple
of months ago, who plays with him very tenderly, cradling Squeek's head
between his paws and fitting his jaws gently on his nose, just enough to
rile him to play.  I can see him being careful and it's soooo sweet.  He's
been alone with Baby many times, though doesn't sleep with him, as he loves
laying on top of his buddies.  Minnie, the big sister... well she's
carefully supervised - she considers him a chewing toy.
MEDICAL QUESTION.  Squeek chomps a lot after eating, and we think this is
the cause of white blisters on his tongue, along the edges and mainly on the
bottom.  They look painful.  What can we do?  To stop them, or to treat
them?  Janos (significant other) has suggested filing his back teeth a bit,
but I find this idea disturbing - he's just a baby.  Plus, he'll be getting
some acupuncture, and maybe this will help.  Believe me, we won't be rushing
off to file Baby Squeeks teeth anytime soon!!!!!!
RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY.  In case anyone is interested or knows someone who
might be, Squeek would really appreciate trading peek into his special body
for some diagnostics that might help him recover.  I would need to be
present at any procedures, and Squeek musn't be exposed to pain or harm.  An
MRI, CAT scan, spinal analysis with dyes (whatever this is called), such
things might be helpful.
It was nice to hear Squeek's little voice yesterday.  He squeeked quickly -
rather than a slow, forced, weak moan, which sounded good - the vitamin B's
perking him up!!!  He originally really earned his name!!  He was
practically born squeeking, often gleefully, and he was a good little barker
too.  How I hope to someday hear his little voice again.  Sometimes, upon
seeing me, he'd squeek loudly and start running toward me.
Ought to have some news on the tummy skate soon.  Acupuncture still in the
wings.  And we need to work on a molded walker since my SO can't bend over
and walk to support Squeek with his hands (which are too big anyway); and it
is difficult for me - especially with my derrierre pointing various
directions Squeek and I turn in the front and back yards for the enjoyment -
nah!, mirth?... hilarity??... fear???!  of the neighbors -- ah, the things
we do for our babies!!
Squeeks to all,
Squeekers, Lynn, Mom Claudette, SO Janos and the old Fur Gang!!!
[Posted in FML issue 1614]