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Fri, 27 Sep 1996 22:08:06 GMT
"Thomas J. Balevre" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (15 lines)
A few weeks ago, my wife and I parted our ways and I let her have my little
Fuzzys because I thought they would be in good hands.  Little did I know
that she would give them to a Rescue some place in Florida.... Because she
was unable to care for them.... My Heart goe's out to you..  Please Help me
find at least one of my little Fuzz Butts.... I know that Gizmo has gone to
a friend in Miami, and I know the person that took him...Angel and Muffin
have gone to a Rescue in Florida..  I was hoping to find Muffin, Because she
was a Gift to me from some Nurses at a hospitial that I was working with in
Orlando...PLEASE Who ever has any of my LITTLE babies, Please E-mail me !!!!
I would like to get one of them back some how..  I will even try pay to have
her shipped up to me.,.  So Please don't give her to anyone and please
E-mail me to let me know that she is ok, because I'm heart broken that she
is gone...
[Posted in FML issue 1705]