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"marie i. schatz" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Jul 1996 20:39:49 -0400
text/plain (27 lines)
Becca - yes Totally Ferret is pretty expensive. That's one of the reasons I
mix it with a little QC+ and Iams Fish and Rice.  They like the other stuff,
and it is good food, just not quite as optimum as TF.
To the Guy in Florida leaving his ferrets alone.  I hope you see this as I
don't have your e-mail address (if someone does can they forward this?).
You might try all the differet vets and see if they know of pet sitters or
maybe even some of their vet techs like to supplement their income. They
could come to your home for an hour a day on the way home from work. We have
a pet nanny here who will come to your home but it's sort of expensive -
maybe every other day would be more affordable?  You could also check all
the pet stores for pet sitters too.  I know what its like to be in a new
town and not know anyone/friends yet that can help out. It can be scary and
worrying.  Also check for any shelters in your area - maybe they can board
Anna at University of Michigan re boarding:    In Lansing Michigan there is
actually a "Ferret Inn". A couple of ferret owners started it and do ferret
boarding and I think since then they have started doing rescue work
too.e-mail me and I'll get their number for you.  Or call Checkered
Farms/Micki Wingate in Detroit area and she knows them.  If your really in a
pinch I could probably do it - I'm in Battle Creek and have "boarded" my
vets ferret for her.  She also takes ferrets in her home to "board" and has
watched mine in my home.
Miss Mary, Boris and Giesela
[Posted in FML issue 1637]