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Mon, 6 Jan 1997 23:13:25 -0500
"Michael Schieman, Mee Maw and ferrets" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
Hi folks!
Well, we're much too busy to be having to write this.  Mee Maw and Paw Paw
is layin' on they own backs, with their four feets in the air, just'a
pantin' and droolin'.
Seems that they has be done done gone and went got busy with their bizzness
to the point that they ain't had no time to check their e-mail, not even the
FML, for quite a few days.  So, we fingered that we hadd'a should ought'a
take matters by the tailbone and let folks know that we is still here - even
gots our own e-mail address thingy: [log in to unmask]  We ain't hadda
chance to check it yet on account of because everytime we sneaks out and
tries to, Paw Paw is slumped over the pooter and droolin' all over the
keyboard.  YECCH!
Anyways, we just wants folks to know that we is still here and lookin'
forward to bein' able to read some of our mails.  We'll write back just as
soon as Paw Paw quits writin' PML's - and slobberin' all over the keyboard
It sure is hard bein' a ferret sometimes.
Joys and mayhem,
Tater and Odie
[Posted in FML issue 1807]